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Explore the Ways the Emotions of Key Characters in Love Are Presented in Twelfth Night and Jane Eyre.

  • Date Submitted: 11/26/2015 10:49 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 52.7 
  • Words: 2063
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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"Explore the ways the emotions of key characters in love are presented in Twelfth Night and Jane Eyre."
In Shakespeare's comedic play, 'Twelfth Night', set in the renaissance era, and Bronte's eponymous novel, 'Jane Eyre', set during Victorian times, the key characters are shown to have different ways of conveying and expressing their love through both actions and words. Whilst both are based around the concept of love, Jane Eyre has a more serious tone that lets you see love and the different emotions through the eyes of the out-spoken protagonist, Jane. On the other hand, Twelfth Night is overall seen as a light-hearted comedy that presents love from a number of people's perspectives who each have different ideas about what love actually is.

Shakespeare's comedic play starts us off from the perspective of the love-struck Duke, Orsino. From first glance Orsino is portrayed as a passionate, love struck man with intense feelings for Olivia, However, it is also heavily implied that throughout the play, Orsino is infatuated with the concept of love and Olivia is merely the object of this infatuation. "That instant I was turned into a hart, and my desires like fell and cruel hound, e'er since pursue me." In this quotation we clearly see Orsino talking about being hunted by his own desires, which he then compares to hounds. The idea of being "hunted" suggests that he's fearful because he's not in control; he's being chased, as a Duke, Orsino is not used to this emotion. The consistent use of "I" and "me" also encapsulates his idea of love whilst giving the audience a clear view of his character at the same time. The language technique tells us that he is conceited and extremely egotistical. Orsino's character could be compared to Rochester in the way that they are both naive when it comes to love, it is argued that neither characters have a real idea of what love actually is, they become consumed with infatuation rather than love itself. In one sense, the audience...


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