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"What goes around, comes around..we just don't know how big the wheel is" - EmardikaggimA

Grading Essays

  • Date Submitted: 03/15/2016 02:56 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 65 
  • Words: 267
  • Essay Grade: no grades
  • Report this Essay
Shamo Miller


AP English11

Mrs. Ladd

Grading Essays

Essay 1; This essay was well written but also has some missing pieces. This essay was written in thorough detail, but is lacking rhetorical strategies. The author either a him or a her didn't describe the tone, or make any appeals, also did not create a persona or anything like that. On the other hand, he/she used a variety of vocab words to enhance her writing. Overall, I would grade this essay a 5.

Essay 2; This essay was pretty well written. I give this one a 6. Not only did this writer use vocabulary to enhance their writing, but they provided knowledge of rhetorical strategies. In the long run, to improve their essay they should've used more strategies and talked more about each letter.

Essay 3; This essay was the best out of all four, and was very good. The author shows understanding of rhetorical strategies and how to connect them to the text. They used evidence from the text to backup their claims. They also showed great understanding about how to organize an essay. My grade for this individual is an 8.

Essay 4; This essay was average in my opinion. The writer used vocabulary and used rhetorical strategies to get his/her point across. But on the other hand, they use appeals to describe their understanding. Using appeals they connect to the text and show evidence, but it's not enough. The appeals and other rhetorical strategies need to be supported into further detail. My grade for this essay is a 6.


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