Words of Wisdom:

"Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle- Herman Melville (Moby Dick author)" - Teacher


  • Date Submitted: 03/28/2016 08:44 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 76.4 
  • Words: 907
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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1. Forgive yourself for every mistake you’ve ever made.
2. Forgive others for their offenses against you.
3. Stop obsessing over things you can’t control.
4. Take breaks often to clear your mind.
5. Do one thing at a time.
6. Stop over analyzing and start doing.
7. Stop judging what others do or don’t do.
8. Learn to say no and really mean it.
9. Only add to your “to do” list after crossing 2 things off.
10. When you buy something new, get rid of something old.
11. Give yourself some sincere approval.
12. Stop being a perfectionist and move on.
13. Let go of trying to control everything.
14. Don’t get emotionally invested in every little thing.
15. Quit agonizing over decisions you’ve made. It’s a done deal.
16. Remember that almost everything is temporary.
17. Ask yourself: Will it matter in 3 years? If not, let it go.
18. Find reasons to laugh out loud several times a day.
19. Stop taking things personally, it’s not always about you
20. Use touchstone triggering to enhance the positive.
21. Don’t compare yourself to others. Life is not a contest.
22. Smile with everyone!
23. Start every conversation with a positive thought.
24. Don’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet.
25. Quit re-acting like everything is an emergency.
26. Exercise every single day!
27. Don’t trade sleep for work.
28. Eat for nourishment not for comfort.
29. Express gratitude for the small things you appreciate
30. Choose walking over driving whenever possible.
31. Do things that connect you with the earth.
32. Put up a bird feeder and become a bird watcher.
33. Don’t watch the news, especially when you are eating.
34. Listen to music that calms your soul and carries you away.
35. Get an answering machine or service.
36. Alarm clocks are rude, learn to wake up naturally.
37. Go to the beach or river and soak up the negative ions.
38. Do something nice just for you every single day.
39. Do something nice for someone else every single day...


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