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Bus 599 Assignment 3 Operation-Technology and Management Plan

  • Date Submitted: 03/31/2016 12:47 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 48.5 
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BUS 599 Assignment 3 Operation-Technology and Management Plan
Assignment 3 Part 1: Operation, Technology, and Management Plan

Due Week 8 and worth 70 points
Use the “NAB Company Portfolio”.
Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you provide the following information below.
Operations Plan (1 – 2 pages)
Note: Remember to assign a dollar amount to each operational cost you find, as you will need these figures for your income statement and cash flow in Week 8.
1. Create an operations plan for your NAB company using the template in the text as a guide (p. 214 | Operations Plan Preparation Form ). Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company portfolio, where applicable. Other required items in the template should be filled in using your personal preferences.
2. Provide a rationale for the competitive advantages section using appropriate functional-level and business-level strategies to explain the competitive advantages.
o Note: Much of the research pertaining to the hints provided here can be found in the NAB company portfolio.
o Hints: Consider whether you will rent or buy your facilities or outsource production to an existing company.
o Hints: One of your biggest expenses as a startup non-alcoholic beverage company will be transitioning from a small batch prototype of your beverage to production on a large scale. Research the equipment you will need (vats, refrigerators, burners, ovens, bottling equipment, and so on), whether you will rent or buy, how you will maintain and clean it, and so forth. Consider how you will ensure quality control. What capacity do you intend to reach?
o Hints: Deliberate your inventory control. Where do your supplies come from and what is your turnaround time to produce your beverage once you have received an order?
o Hints: Consider your distribution method. Refer back to your notes for the SWOT analysis...


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