Words of Wisdom:

"5 exclamation marks, the sure sign of a madman." - Suvi2

Happiness 9

  • Date Submitted: 04/26/2010 08:09 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 49.7 
  • Words: 882
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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The word feelie appeared in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, as a form of motion picture that provides the sensation of touch in addition to sight and sound. The word suggests a logical extension to the moving picture ("movie") and the talking picture ("talkie"), and suggests an entertainment form with an incredible level of sensation but with minimal substance.

Another principle is that people should have no emotions, particularly no painful emotions; blind happiness is necessary for stability. One of the things that guarantees happiness is the "feelies," movies that reach your sense of touch as well as your sight and hearing.
The people of this world, born from test tubes and divided into five castes, are docile and happy, kept occupied by elaborate games like obstacle golf, entertainments like the "feelies," and sexual promiscuity. Disease is nonexistent, old age and death made as pleasant as possible so they can be ignored.

The "feelies" are a common form of entertainment. The audience sees, hears, smells, and feels a sort of action-adventure adult movie. Casual sex is a third popular way to spend spare time. Since "everybody belongs to everyone else," commitment is a non-issue.
Freedom in this society has been sacrificed for what Mustapha Mond calls happiness. Indeed almost all of Huxley’s characters, save Bernard and the Savage, are content to go to the feelies (the superficial substitute for actual life), and live their mindless, grey lives

Soma is a popular drug in the book. It provides an easy escape from the problems of daily life and is employed by the government as a method of control. Everyone in the novel is shown to use it at some point, in various situations: sex, relaxation, concentration, confidence. It calms people and gets them high at the same time, without any hangovers or side effects.
Huxley believed in the possibility of a drug that would enable people to escape from themselves and help them achieve knowledge of God, but...


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