Words of Wisdom:

"to be or not to be?" - IMDave357


  • Date Submitted: 08/20/2010 04:57 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 63.3 
  • Words: 597
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Freedom Doesn't Mean Liecence But The Wisdom The Choose What Is Right For Oneself
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Freedom Doesn't Mean Liecence But The Wisdom The Choose What Is Right For Oneself
* Freedom Doesn't Mean Liecence But The Wisdom The Choose What Is Right For Oneself
freedom doesn't mean liecence but the domm the choose what is right for oneself

To me, having the right of freedom of speech means that I can voice my opinion wherever and whenever I feel the urge to without the fear of being prosecuted. The United States would be in an extremely weak state if citizens did not have the right to freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech in our Bill of Rights, people could not necessarily stand up for what they believed in. I think that if a person has a valid point or even an unvalid point that they want to voice nothing should stand in their path. It would be nearly impossible for certain organizations to form if the United States was without freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means to me that these certain radical organizations should be and are allowed to voice their opinions and views on different issues on which some people feel uncomfortable about. These issues may involve issues that I do not agree on; however, I feel that the group of people have the right to express their beliefs. Also, freedom of speech means to me that America is one of the best countries that involves the people. There is not one person making all of the...


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