Words of Wisdom:

"Love Nathan! (personally, i really want to kiss him!)ugh hate meself i'm SOO like scared to kiss him!" - Solangeu


  • Date Submitted: 08/28/2010 06:23 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 65 
  • Words: 322
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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What would you choose if you are given an option to be rich or become a highly skilled musician??
Of course, most of the people will like to choose the former option. This is a world where everyone wants everything but is not willing to work for it. This is similar to that Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
Everyone wants fame ad riches but not ready to achieve excellence
We are talking about ambition without aspiration
Coming back to the main theme let’s see what ambition is? According to Napoleon Bonaparte “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principals which direct them.”

Recently a movie 3 idiots has raised the issue ambition versus aspiration. On onre sisre there was chatur who wanted everything without learning. On the other hand there was rancho who wanted to learn only. His mantra was follow excellence and the success will follow. In the end it was ultimately the rancho who was the winner.
In real life we also come across such people. One is Steve jobs, the founder of Apple. According to him excellence is all about connecting the dots. He attended the class of calligraphy in college and 10 years later used this knowledge to build mac computers. But most oof the studentds attend classes for attendance and seminars for certificates only. They want to buiold strong rwesumes by attending multiple seminars without trying to learn anything new.

Think and grow rich...this is what napoleon hill tells in his book. The book says that everything starts with a desire. Wanting alone cant give you success. Want should be followed by action.
Excellence is all about staying foolish, staying hungry. But due ti social pressures and fears

Krishna suggests action without attachment to its fruit. But people today consider it


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