Words of Wisdom:

"life is full of choises, but let god help you to choose the right one" - Tomhellewell

Changing for the Battle

  • Date Submitted: 03/09/2011 07:22 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 83.4 
  • Words: 487
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Changing For the BATTLE
Everyone of us desire changes in our life in order for us to move forwards, make friends and take up challenges that we never think about it.
Complaints will only allows us to stay on the pace that we are in now but if we change our thoughts or change our attitude, it will definitely bring us forward and learn something new. God will never allows challenges that is to unbearable for us to bear, He knows our limits. Even we can't make it, God is always there for us to help us, lead us and bring us through.
2 Corinthians 12: 9
But he said to me," my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Why do we need a change?
Let me ask you a few question....
Are you satisfy with your current situation? Do you want to move forward in life?
Necessary changes enable us to make new friends and adapt to new circumstances. Because we can change our environment so why not we change ourselves!
First, change starts within ourself. We can't change other or our circumstances around before we learn to change ourself. Let us learn not to judge for we will be jugde.
Secondly, it require humility as we want to be change. God opposes the proud and give grace to the humble. A proud person will never learn something and in the end it will fall. But someone with a heart of humility will learn things God wants him to learn. This is the same with our daily life, when we go to school,working or even when we serve in church. Are you humble enough to learn new things to move forward or you want to stay at your current position?When we meets friends that we don't want to be with...Sometimes God places some people to mold our characters
Lastly, changes requires action. We can make commitment to change but without action, everything is invain. So start working now!
In conclusion, it's easy to just say it but changing requires times and is not easy. But everything is possible with God. So don't get disappointed when you fails to make the...


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