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"if you aim at nothing than you are sure to hit it--mason smith" - Inxaxaxaacaf


  • Date Submitted: 05/08/2012 07:43 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 39.5 
  • Words: 1522
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My Jot Notes Sexuality and chastity: “Shun youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22 1) Chastity is the use of sexuality according to God’s plan, which brings together the body and the spirit. It is important to understand that the expression of sexuality is not just about the pleasure of the body, because we are not just our bodies. Sexuality is also a spiritual thing: it involves our relationship with God and a loving lifelong relationship between a man and a woman. 2) Chastity is closely related to the virtue of temperance, which concerns the correct use of food and drink—and sex. 3) Human actions against God’s plan for sexuality: - pornography - masturbation - premarital sex - homosexual relations and unions - sexual promiscuity - adultery - contraception - abortion - cloning - the destruction of human embryos for stem-cell research 4) Our culture - reflected in the media - not only accepts human actions against God’s plan for sexuality, but also encourages it. One result is that many people hardly even understand what the Church says about sexual morality. What is the modern media’s message about sexuality? Is it an “ethical” message? 5) The Church’s message about chastity is simple: the great good of sex may not be separated from procreation, love, and marriage. Sexual intimacy and sexual relations are only appropriate between a man and woman united in marriage. Consent between two people isn’t enough; faith and reason should govern and guide desire and passion. Do you think “consent” is enough? Justify your position. 6) Our sexuality is a gift from God and should be treated accordingly. Offer any other of your own thoughts on the call to chastity.

Offer your own thoughts on the following: THE VOCATION TO CHASTITY (From the Catechism of the Catholic Church) 2337 Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity...


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