Words of Wisdom:

"Emilio Marco Palma was the first person born in Antarctica in 1978." - Jeffryma


  • Date Submitted: 05/11/2010 04:57 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 57.9 
  • Words: 1984
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Will The Extra Large Menu Kill Off the Future Generation?

A man named Morgan Spurlock, made a documented film called "Super Size Me", were he ate Mc Donalds fast food for 30 days straight (February to beginning of March 2003).Spurlock ate at McDonald's three times per day, eating every item on the menu. He also always "super-sized" his meal only if it was offered.Morgan gained massive weight and it took him fourteen months to lose the weight gained.He took on this project to see what the affect of fast food's had on him physicaly and mentaly.

Bigger is not Better
People started to think that Bigger is Better,they think that if they get a bigger burger for a cheaper price that   it's a great deal...but it's not.Bigger portions can take a great toll on your body and mind.it's more fast food.
  The rise in obesity rates over the past 30 years has been paralleled by increases in the portion size of many foods and the prevalence of eating away from home. Multiple studies have shown that providing subjects with larger portions of food leads to significantly higher energy intake.When consumers fail to exercise, the added calories from eating larger portions turns to fat and leads to obesity.   The fast food industry contributes to this problem by not only selling unhealthy food, but also by selling larger portions of unhealthy food.   Throughout America obesity rates are rising due to the increase in portions sizes and the lack of exercise.

Eating habits
Now people rather take the easy way out when their hungry and order fast food instead of cooking food themselves. Changes in American’s eating habits have supported the significant rise in the increase of portion sizes.The growth of portion sizes has been in fast food restaurants   the “super-sizing” of menu items is acommon marketing gimmick Items available at fast food restaurants are estimated to be 2 to 5 times larger than two decades agoWith the increase of meals purchased away from home and particularly...


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