Words of Wisdom:

"For all the time wasted sleeping, man has evolved " - DEBJIT

A Midsummer Nights Dream

  • Date Submitted: 06/09/2010 06:24 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 62.7 
  • Words: 420
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Seckin Can

      Most people thing that love is just a feeling but really the feeling is just the perk. Love is a choice. If you are choosing to love someone you need to stick to with it, even hard times. Love is awesome but not easy.
    In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Nights Dream the author place the many obstacles that must overcome to be together.
      The main characters in this play are Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrious. It could be said that there is a love square between these characters. Where Hermia is in love with Lysander, Lysander and Demetrious are in love with Helena and Helena is in love with Demetrious. This is where the difficulty of love appears. Also Oberon and Titania love each others.
      Oberon and Titania’s love is old a contrasts from the young love of the four lovers. Titania and Oberon live in the forest, which is old and in turn this lends to their character and love. ’’ Out of this wood do no desire to go ‘’ (Act 3 Sc 1, 152)
      Oberon and Titania are odds over a young Indian prince given to Titania By the prince’s mother; the boy is so beautiful that Oberon wishes to make him knight, but Titania refuses.
      Hermia and Lysander’s relationship represents true love. The course of true love never did run smooth. (Act 1 Sc 1, 134) The obstacle is their relationship; Eugesus,   Hermia’s father. Her father wants for is daughter to get marry with Demetrious. If she says ‘’No’’ to marry with Demetrious, Eugesus want to sent her convent or executed. She planned to escape with Lysander.
    Hermia’s best friend Helena is in love with Demetrious, who is in love with Hermia. Therefore, Helena is jealous of Hermia’s beauty and she claims that she too is beautiful. She wonders what Hermia has that she doesn’t that makes men follow her everywhere. So, out of jealousy Helena tells Demetrious that Hermia and Lysander plan to escape to the woods so that he will follow them and she will follow him.
    Helena and...


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