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"A bag of sweets and a big wide smile that's the sign of a peadophile. ( ;....; ) Moral...'if he looks shifty give hima shot in the pills'" - Ezslax

Paper Critique

  • Date Submitted: 09/12/2010 05:27 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 49.9 
  • Words: 772
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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1. Give a complete, correct, bibliographic citation for your paper (see pages 111-113 of McMillan for examples; use the format discussed in lab). (4 points)

Roberts KJ, Anderson RC. 2001. Effects of garlic mustard [Alliaria petiolata (Beib. Cavara &
Grande)] extracts on plants and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi. Illinois: Department of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University. Am Midl Nat. 146: 146-152.

2. What was the major finding of this paper? Do not simply re-write the abstract. Be sure you understand the results and their interpretation. (6 points)

Garlic Mustard prevented the germination of spores of Gigaspora Rosea, as well as reduced its ability to bond with tomato seeds, and reduced the germination of the seeds on their own. Garlic mustard also shortened the root length of tomato and sorghum seedlings. Within the field experiments, and extreme negative correlation was found between the amount of garlic mustard (density) and the mycorrihizal inoculums potential; a thing partly responsible in soil nutrition and plant growth. These findings suggest that garlic mustard likely interferes with plant growth and development, as well as competition between non-invasive and invasive species.

3. Did the authors indicate why their finding was important (tie it in to the “big picture”)? If yes, why was their finding important? (5 points)

Yes, the authors indicate the tie back to our environment within the discussion. In areas where there are already soil disturbances, garlic mustard has an easy invasive passage as a non-native species. These intensely disturbed regions more commonly support non-mycorrhizal plant species which contribute to the reduction of soil inoculums levels important to the development of mycorrhizal species. This slows the rate of production of future mycorrhizal species, as well as reduces biodiversity within invaded regions. This is due to species inability to develop in the low MIP regions. The mustard also has...


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