Words of Wisdom:

"If God wanted us to talk more and listen less, She would have given us two mouths instead of two ears." - Shawn9er

Eating State of Mind

  • Date Submitted: 03/22/2011 09:55 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 49.6 
  • Words: 1537
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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“To say that obesity is caused by merely consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party.”   A quote from Adelle Davis, one who believes obesity is caused by much more than we think.   Obesity can be simply defined as the state of being well above one’s normal weight. Obesity is considered to be a chronic disease, similar to diabetes or high-blood pressure. Often, many people have the set idea that obesity and overeating simply occur from someone just doing it, and do not take into effect all the other forces that lead someone to an eating disorder.   Several things such as psychological state of mind, one’s biology, or even their cultural background all play a role in someone’s road to obesity or eating disorder.   Once you are able to determine the underlying effects that a person has to go along with the natural desire of hungry, that is how you produce an overweight individual.
More often than not, when someone tries to confront an overweight individual they will say, “You need to stop eating so much.”   Although it is a contributing factor, the desire to eat is not always the main point.   Psychological states are often something that plays heavy in developing obesity and also an eating disorder.   Your mood or even simply how you are feeling about yourself internally is crucial when dealing with eating, especially in younger people.   Adolescents who are depressed may be at an increased risk of becoming obese. One recent study found that depressed adolescents were two times more likely to become obese at the one year follow up than teens who did not suffer from depression. (Eating Disorders & Obesity, 2008, 6).   Some people go through struggles throughout their life, and often turn to eating as a way to comfort themselves, almost to get away.   Children can face the obstacles in schools such as bullies, which can affect their self-esteem, developing a state of depression.   This type of situation...


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