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"Live Well, Laugh Much and Love Everyone!!!" - GaryJ00

Shylock a Monster

  • Date Submitted: 03/27/2011 07:03 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 57.1 
  • Words: 2947
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Character Analysis of Shylock
The Merchant of Venice was a tragic comedy, written by William Shakespeare. It involves a Jewish character--Shylock. It goes undoubtedly saying that Shylock is The Merchant of Venice’s most noteworthy figure. But is he a comedy personage or a tragedy one on earth? And what is the author’s attitude towards him, critical or sympathy? Is he a bloodthirsty villain? Or is he a man "more sinned against than sinning"? Here is a objection view about shylock.
Shylock, a Jew, is portrayed as a devil who wants revenge against a Christian. Shylock hates Antonio because he is Christian. He wishes to kill Antonio by binding him to a bond of 3,000 ducats and if it is not paid then a pound of flesh be given. Shylock hopes that Antonio can not be able to fulfill his bond so Shylock may take a pound of his flesh, heart. Shylock just wished death upon him. Shylock attempted to kill Antonio even though he could have gotten his money or even two times the amount. Shylock says he will make the punishment worse on the Christians then they did to him. Revenge is a devilish trait. This is the quality of a devilish character.
Shylock cares more about money than he does about anything else, including his daughter-Jessica. She steals precious gems thousands of ducats from him. Shylock cares more that his money was missing than his daughter being gone. When he found her daughter gone, he was looking for his ducats and stones not his daughter; he cares more about money than love. Since Shylock cares more about money than love and in this affect he becomes a devil and hates everyone that holds him back from making money or makes him lose money. From this we can see that Shylock is selfish, greedy and materialistic.
As a usurer, Shylock is stingy and avaricious of wealth. He is equally a Jew usurer and the most vivid image. With the development of the plot and the thorough description of contradiction, his true features gradually appear before us: Being a miser,...


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