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Understanding Islam

  • Date Submitted: 09/25/2011 09:36 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 66.4 
  • Words: 301
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Understanding Islam
Sharain Jones
DeVry University

We are in a rapidly changing society.   Especially on this day known as 911 I think more about the diverse

affect the events of the day had on the entire world especially America where the tragic events took

place.   Often I wonder what the Islamic people think. Many people have stated all Islamic people are

terrorists and they are plotting against America and any religion that is not their own.

Is this true? As the world looked on the World Trade Center the Twin Towers collapsed. Why did this

Happen and who was responsible? People blame the Islam society. Where all of them responsible?   Are

they hiding among us in America? People say Islam “hates all Americans”.   Why does their religion teach

them to hate all religions but Muslim? Does it? Do they? How do Muslims live and where?   Are we

stereotyping this culture?

Through my research I hope to explore an understanding of this culture and to examine misconceptions

Relating to their values, beliefs, and goals.   I plan to reveal how the practices of Islam compare to

Christianity and Judaism.   Christians believe in Jesus Christ as the son of GOD.   Jews believe that Jesus

was a false prophet (Ezekiel 37: 26-28) King James Verizon.   I will explore what beliefs do Islamic

people embrace and are all Islamic people the same?

Some of my research will consist investigating multiple sites on the internet. The Torah,

the Holy Bible and the Quran are books I plan to review. My research will also 1` include history books and
articles about religions and practices.

Our society is very diverse and I believe we all deserve a chance to be understood.   It is not to say we

have to agree or disagree but to understand.


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