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"Yow beeeeee, i is taking over da world, from da hudderzfield MASEEEEEEVEEE" - Polly

The Declaration of the Rights of Man vs the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Date Submitted: 10/18/2011 03:20 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 53.9 
  • Words: 1011
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are both effective social contracts. Events and experience that caused some type of conflict, sparked the need for change; the realization that something had to be done in order to protect and benefit the people. These two documents allowed people to have rights, which at the time would have been a groundbreaking assertion as it set forth new laws and principles.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was an effect of the revolution. It seemed as a direct blow towards the king, as the National Assembly blamed him for the discrimination, inequality and disregard that people had faced well under his power. The intent of this declaration was to let people know that they had rights and that these rights were given by God, so could not be taken away. This contract seemed particularly aimed at taking away the privileges of the aristocracy and making everyone equal, as well as taking the power from the king and giving it to the state.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the General Assembly, at a time when World War II was the conflict. It was a social contract that intended to set a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations. This achievement was to promote respect for these rights and freedoms, both nationally and internationally, among all people.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a society level social contract. It was directly related to the French society. Many of the rights and laws introduced were as a result of the problems and issues being brought up because of the revolution. If you compare these rights to those of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you will find that they are more specific and relate to the French society, but would not necessarily relate to the rest of the world. These rights dealt with the abuse of the king's power and the inequality between the three estates and this may not have been the case...


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