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Factors That Impact Child Development

  • Date Submitted: 05/04/2012 10:21 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 57.5 
  • Words: 1296
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Factors That Impact Child Development
Anything that contributes causally to a result is known as factor. In the matter of factors that influence the child development varies. But they can be mainly divided into two main factors which is nature and nurture factors.  Nature factors are factors that carried by the individual from conception to birth. On the other hand nurture factors are factors that affect the individual from after birth often regarding with the environment. All the following information is gain from lecture by Miss Kamalawati, 2007. Within the nature facture the first aspect is that of genetics. It is what that have been half inherited by the mother and the father in the form of gene. This gene is a segment of DNA that actually controls the physical, mental and many attributes in the body. The height, type of hair or color, skin color, blood groups are actually being control by the DNA.. Mental disability is an abnormal condition that causes significant distress or dysfunction that can involve with cognitive, emotional, behavioral and interpersonal impairment. Example is Down Syndrome.
The second factor is the maternal nutrition. What the mother consume during pregnancy is very important to the health and well being of the baby. Mother should have a well balanced diet that has all the food classes that are required in the correct amount and portion for the needs of the mother and the baby. A pregnant mother should ingest more acid folic, iron, zinc and calcium besides the usual daily food. Acid folic play an important role in the creation of baby nervous system and iron is required because more blood is needed to send the supply to the baby through placenta. Zinc and calcium is needed for the development of embryo.
Maternal age is another factor, According to Dessner, 1973 there is a relation between the risks of fetus’s death with the mother’s age. It is said that teenage mother having a higher risk of miscarriage than the early twenties...


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