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The Child Hidden Deep Within

  • Date Submitted: 06/07/2012 06:44 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 88 
  • Words: 690
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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The Child Hidden Deep Within

Darkness is the nightmare of all children. It was one of mine as well. Once, maybe when I was 6 or 7 years old, I got locked into a room. I will never forget that day in my life. It all started like this.

My family and I used to go to a center for prayers every Thursday. One Thursday turned out to be the worst. Before the prayers started, my sister, my friends and I were in a room playing hopscotch. Unfortunately, we could not find a rock or a stone to play with, so I had to give up one of my hairclips. This was the biggest mistake.

The prayers were about to start. So, all of us were leaving the room one by one. Just then I realized that I had left my hair clip in the room. So I went back into the room to get the clip. When I peeped into the room it was very dark. As any kid, even I was afraid of entering the room. Yet, I still wanted my precious clip back. So I ran into the room with full mast and got my clip from the table. When I was about to turn the knob of the door to get out as quickly as possible, I realized someone locked the door. I was traumatized.

I could hear the holy hymns being chanted. Just then I broke down as I knew, after the prayers started, no one would even step out of the prayer hall to come towards this room. Just then, the thought hit my mind that I had to stay through the 1 hour prayer in this dark room. That thought was followed by many other thoughts such as the fear of darkness, ghosts, and what not. I even thought at a point of time that I was going to get eaten up by a monster. I was dumbfounded. I did not know what to do but wait for the prayers to end.  

That gruesome one hour went by so slowly, I can’t even explain. I sat in a corner, shivering out of fear. For every little possible sound I started to cry even more. Balls of tears poured down my pale cheeks in such great speed. The worst part was that I could not find the switches to turn on the lights. I had to sit through all of this...


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