Words of Wisdom:

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for." - Joseph Addison" - The_god_damned

Should Human Believe in God ?

  • Date Submitted: 08/28/2012 06:09 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 74.7 
  • Words: 343
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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The bible has proven beyond doubts that human have no reason not to believe in God. And if any human choose not to believe, it is his or her choice. Every choice in life has both positive and negative results.
    It is believed that God is the creator of heaven and earth according to the first book of the bible Genesis. The first stanza of Genesis chapter one   says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." It further went on to describe how the earth was formless and empty. But the third stanza describes how God brought light and separated from day and night. This makes it clear for human to believe in God. There are no other books except the bible that has really convinced human about how the world came into being.
    Another fact that has brought to light why human must believe in God is that He made humans in his own image. Stanza twenty-seven of Genesis chapter 1 talks about how God created man in His own image, male and female. Stanza twenty-eight further explains how God blessed human with the call on them to increase in number and fill the earth. Giving them authority over fish, birds and all living creatures on earth. Scientists have made several attempts to create human but failed. This is proof for human to believe in God.
    It is believed according to the bible that man was disobedient to God and as a result they were cursed. Genesis chapter three gives a detail account of this event. Despite the disobedience of man, God still sent His only son Jesus Christ to safe human from the curse. John chapter three verse sixteen proves how kind God is to human. the coming of Christ saved those who believed in Him. And God has made it possible that those who repent from their sinful nature shall be save.
    To conclude, human should believe in God because the bible is the only book that has explained how human came into being.


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