Words of Wisdom:

"Why do people cry... when it's not worth it?... Why do people weep... when you can just smile it away?" - Solangeu

Hunters in the Snow by Tobias Wolff

  • Date Submitted: 10/02/2012 04:44 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 37.5 
  • Words: 421
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Story features a hostile environment
Isolated, white, cold environment
Author stresses the suspension of ordinary laws governing human behavior
EX:   Frank insists that they get permission to hunt on private property because “the people out
here *don’t+ mess around,” foreshadowing violent action.
Shift in allegiance after Kenny goes alone into the farmhouse to get permission to hunt on the property

Tub and Frank vs. Kenny instead of Frank and Kenny vs. Tub
This dominates the second half of the story
o Kenny vents his anger and shoots a fencepost
o Kenny also shoots a tree and then an aging dog; also threatens to shoot Tub
o Tub shoots at Kenny in self-defense—this solidifies the allegiance
o Macabre comedy shown with Frank and Tub as they attempting to care for Kenny
o Irony:   The farmers ASKED Kenny to shoot the dog!!!!!!!!!!   That joke backfired on him!
Minor characters (the farmers) play important role that highlights the three men’s self-centeredness
Farmer’s wife gives Frank complicated written directions to the hospital
Farmer says he doesn’t have a flashlight (most likely a lie)
Framers says he will leave the porch light on for the guys, but he “forgets”
In the beginning Tub seems to be the most sympathetic; however Kenny is only guilty of a   callous,
rascally disposition, while Frank and Tub are both self-centered literally to a murderous degree
Frank and Tub (a pedophile and a food addict) think only of their own appetites
Final third of the story is again tragicomedy
The guys tell Kenny (the philosopher) to repeat the mantra “I am going to the hospital.”
Tub realizes (at the restaurant where they leave Kenny in the back of the truck so they can go in
and get warm!) that he forgot to get the directions to the hospital!

o This causes a new bond between the two men as they “confess their sins” to each other
o These confessions only serve to help them feel better about themselves
Shocking last statement (from...


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