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Cold Calling

  • Date Submitted: 11/12/2012 03:27 PM
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How to Lose a Prospect in 10 Seconds. What Not to Do when Cold-Calling
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By John Tabita | April 4, 2011 | Business
In How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, columnist Andie Anderson (played by Kate Hudson) wants to earn the respect of her editor and get the opportunity to write on more meatier subjects. So she decides to pen an article about what women do to drive men away—a sort of reverse “how to” dating guide. As part of her research, she plans to attract a man and do all the things a woman shouldn’t do in the beginning of a relationship to see how long it takes to frighten him off.
Unbeknownst to her, the test subject she chooses, ad exec Ben Barry (Matthew McConaughey), also has a hidden agenda. In order to convince his boss to give him a prestigious diamond account, he must make good on his boast that he understands women so well he can make any woman “fall in love with him in less than two weeks.” So no matter what Andie does (including Photoshopping their faces together in a bizarre, mutant-like composite “to see what our kids would look like”), Ben hangs in there rather than running for his life like any normal member of the male species would.
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I suppose members of both sexes have done things to drive that special...


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