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"I know I am but what are you?" - Diane

Obama vs Romney

  • Date Submitted: 11/22/2012 12:16 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 50.3 
  • Words: 313
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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The ideologies of Democrats vs Republicans – An analysis of the 2012 Presidential   election campaign

It has been 4 years since Barack Obama assumed office . It is time for the American citizens to decide if he gets a second term .Obama’s tenure has been a roller coaster with some highs – Auto industry turnaround and the capture and killing of Osama bin laden, and some lows – unemployment being the highest since the great depression and the US debt rising beyond 14 trillion dollars. Recovery has been slow and painful. Obama inherited possibly the worst job in 2009, but has steadied the ship to a point where recovery in the next 4 years is a distinct possibility.

Obama’s policies are typically pro-middle class. His anti outsourcing, anti business stance sometimes cause more damage than good with large corporations struggling to find qualified professionals for jobs they typically outsourced. This puts a burden on the company bottom line, and eventually they do not have money to grow their business – which would have created more jobs. So, In a sense, Obama’s enthusiasm to keep jobs in America actually lost jobs. A more prudent approach would be to stem the flow of manufacturing jobs outside America, - Manufacturing being the largest employment sector for American citizens.
On the other hand, Mitt Romney has a pro business stand. His plans to reduce the burden on business, remove roadblocks to growth and jobs will be created automatically. His is a more top down approach to the same problem. He believes that government spending should be reduced to bring down the debt burden. This is a policy that may not go down well with the vast populace that depends on government aid for housing, food, medical and education.
Every American needs to weigh each stance and decide which approach would take America forward to prosperity. The world waits with bated breath.


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