Words of Wisdom:

"some people come into our lives ...leave footprints in our hearts ....and we're never the same" - Xmisfitsx310

Me and the Guitar

  • Date Submitted: 01/29/2013 04:17 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 76.2 
  • Words: 757
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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They say everybody in life has a passion, and if you don’t you simply haven’t found it yet. For those that haven’t; I highly suggest to start finding a couple, because anybody can do anything if they try. One of my passions, for a while now, has been guitar. Even though I’m not the best at it, but I continue to aim higher and higher as I continue to try and be the best I can be at it. It is way easier than most people think, and its such a great talent to have. I’ve been playing for a couple years now and its been a pretty big part of my life to say the least.
Having a passion can help in a number of ways. In my case, it not only gives me something to do, but something to strive to be better at as well as relieve stress, and just distract yourself.When I play I can show what I can do and just go into my own little world. The possibilities of what you can learn or create are practically endless and show no signs of ending, because you can do so much on this instrument. Of course, it’s not always so simple to do this it takes time and practice.
The feeling of playing a guitar is the best thing in the world, when you know what your doing. A guitar may be golden brown, glimmering in the light on the smooth wood as the long strings extend further away from the fingers of a guitarist. The strings on a guitar vibrate, which makes sound echo through your ears. Sweet and adventurous notes as each finger plucks at a string vigorously making notes that join together to make music.
The first time I had picked up a guitar was when I was 8 years old, and loved it ever since. After listening more and more guitar in the world my curiosity for the instrument built up   enough for me to walk up to my parents and say, “Mom, Dad, I want to play the guitar.” They liked the idea of me taking an interest in music, so within the week my dad took me to the music shop around town and there I purchased my first and only acoustic guitar so far, the name. It was a nice guitar, brown body,...


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