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"I wanna tell him, Just Shut Up and Kiss Me, Hottie" - Solangeu

The Death of Christ

  • Date Submitted: 03/06/2013 09:19 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 76.4 
  • Words: 388
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The Death of Christ

    The first idea of atonement is shown in Genesis 3:21. God makes the coverings for Adam and Eve showing the future sacrifice of Christ. Showing mans need for God. Man is unable to atone for sin on his own. Each year the priests would make sacrifice for the people on the Day of Atonement to cover the sin of the people. This was unable to truly satisfy mans need so it had to be continued each year. Once atonement is satisfied redemption comes. The death of Christ is the payment that is the redemption of man due to Adam giving Satan dominion in the garden.
  a. The reconciliation of God and man through the death of Jesus Christ.
  b. Throughout the word of God is the message of atonement. God has made it possible to reconcile man to Himself.
  c. In the Old Testament God set aside a system carried out by levitical priests using sheep and goats to atone for the sins of man. Leviticus 16 speaks of the Day of Atonement.

  a. To buy back that which was lost, redeem from bondage.
  b. Matthew 25 Jesus talks about Gods plan from the foundation of the world. Also in Revelation 13 speaking of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Showing that God plan of redemption is from eternity past.
  c. Ephesians 5 speaks of going from darkness to light “walk as children of light” (v.8). Through faith God gives grace and through the Holy Spirit regenerate man has a desire to do that which is right in the eyes of God.

There would be no Christianity without the death of Christ. In Genesis God told Adam and Eve that He would make a way, provide a covering for their sin. As time went on God also told man in many way and places in His word that He would provide atonement for their sin. The innocent for the guilty. “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life” John 3:16. God sent His Son, Christ died for...


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