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"Your cillage called. They're missing an idiot." - Ominerxaycaf

Dreams of a Nation

  • Date Submitted: 09/29/2013 06:29 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 67.8 
  • Words: 1264
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Have you ever wondered what the American Dream really is?   You may think of places such as Disney World, where all your dreams come true, or maybe even Beverly Hills where people have more money than they know what to do with and all the fame in the world. However, this is only one side of the dream that you’re seeing - the other side is much different and is a cruel reality of the situation.   Adam Liley, a writer that lived near the U.S. border in Detroit, Michigan, had always been fascinated by the image of the American Dream since he was little. So one day he set out to see what he could find about this American Dream. What he found was not just a single dream but many different contrasts of uniquely important dreams. Some people long for fortune and the media; others desire a simpler life of happiness and even some are content with just their love of God.
    In a lot of people’s eyes money really does buy happiness and when it come down to it money can talk in many ways.   Adam didn’t even have to ask to find out that a large percentage of Americans, or people from anywhere around the world for that matter, have an ultimate dream of fame and fortune.   For them to see their name up in lights or getting that big break is the consummation of the American Dream in their minds.   As one man said to Adam, “as long as your name is recognizable you are living the American Dream.”   He soon found out that it is a race as to who can become more powerful and rule the world and everything in it the fastest - it’s all about control.   Because let’s face it, having the respect of your peers and succeeding in life is more then anyone could ask for.
    Unfortunately, this is not the case in most people’s lives.   Most Canadians think that the bright in the U.S. is a better place to live but truthfully it is misconceiving and they are fooling us all.   The fact of the matter is that more than half of America is poverty-stricken and distressed and most of us Canadians did not...


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