Words of Wisdom:

"I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesnt even matter" - Rich8701


  • Date Submitted: 11/13/2013 07:48 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 52.6 
  • Words: 778
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unibam7 Brides for 7 Sisters
A couple of years ago a campaign were launched for equal rights by a group called UniBAM (The United Belize Advocacy Movement). This movement came about on basis of acquiring rights approach based to reduced stigma and discrimination. This is a gay right group seeking a lifestyle of equality. Homosexuals should not be allowed the right to married because it goes against our countries religious belief, our constitution laws that abide in our country, and because homosexuality will bring about nothing positive, no gains, no family but a sterile union.
Our country Belize is predominantly a Christian society which follows by the Roman Catholic beliefs and practices. Belize having more than half of the population being Catholics with that said we know then that they are bible based citizens who abide in belief and principles thought. According to the bible God made Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve and homosexuality is clearly condemned as a sin. Marriage is made for man to go forth and multiply. A word one must define is marriage. Marriage is the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. God’s message in Genesis is to go forth and multiply. Does one want to see or experience how God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality?? By Neglecting God’s Laws our country open massive gateways that will expose us to destruction that will affect generation after generation to come, our innocents of exposure to such unlawful act and our disobedience to God. With the laws of the church our country also has used ethical laws to avoid chaos in our diverse country.
Belize’s criminal code under section 53 states “Every person who has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any person ... shall be liable to imprisonment for 10 years." Same sex sexual activity is illegal within our country and will be a criminal punishment whether in public or private. This act carries a potential penalty of 10 years...


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