Words of Wisdom:

"just reading and critisizing on QURAN (the book of ALLAH) is easy but to UNDERSTAND it with some body's help can really make u knowledgeable" - Giaidieuxanh

Tragic Story (Short Story)

  • Date Submitted: 09/11/2014 06:22 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 87 
  • Words: 2928
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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“Wake up!”
I wake up wet, drenched in cold water. I look to see who did it and see my mother. I should be use to this by now.
“Get ready and leave my house! You got school.” She says as she slams the door.
I was always happy to hear those words. School was my only safe haven, apart from the kids at school that bullied me. But it wasn’t that bad, some days if I was lucky enough they would leave me alone. They’d acknowledge me but leave me alone.
My home, on the other hand, is like Hell on earth. My mother never works but spends the whole night out drinking and partying with her friends. When she comes home drunk, which is almost every night; she beats me. I am worthless to her. I yearn to feel love and acceptance from my mother, but all she shows me is hatred and disgust. Her hating me makes sense; I’m a constant reminder of when she was raped. My father is her rapist; she didn’t even know the man. Maybe that’s why she is so cruel towards me, I remind her of the very thing she wants to forget, everything she tries to drown out with alcohol.
I get out of the shower and dry off. Dropping the towel on the ground, I step on the scale for the first time since I was put into treatment; 132 pounds.   I’ve gained 40 pounds since treatment. Looking in the mirror, I feel sick just thinking about all the fat on my body. I start to tear up. I throw on my favorite worn out Levi jeans and a maroon ‘U of M’ hoodie, and make my way down stairs. Despite the urge not to eat, I force myself to eat a banana and a bagel on the way to school. I don’t even care that I probably look like shit. It’s nothing new.
“You look terrible.”
I roll my eyes, “good morning to you too,” I say sarcastically.
“Sorry, Jane”
I smile at Courtney. She’s always so happy and vibrant that it’s hard to be mad at her. She links arms with me and we make our way to the school entrance. I’ve been here since my freshman year of high school, and I swear that nothing has changed.
Today is my first day...


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