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Hand Guns

  • Date Submitted: 01/27/2010 11:23 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 74 
  • Words: 264
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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  Hand guns are they a good thing or a bad thing? Most people have controversial feelings about people owning them. However, hand guns are a great thing when handled responsibly.

  Since people's ides vary, people believe differently about things, especially hand guns. People seem to think that hand guns today are just wepons of destruction used for harm, or to kill. On the contrary, guns have much more of a purpose then to cause harm, they can provide great opportunities. Here are a few reason to own a hand gun, if you want to and your responsible. First, it can be an intresting item to collect, from old types used in the Civil War, to all types of high-tech one's. Some thing good about them is that they dont depreciat in value, unless mistreated and scratched up. Second, self-defense, it is a good thing to be able to defend you, and your loved ones at home and when you are out. Third, it can make a good recreational activity, for multiple reasons. It can be a great comptitive sport, a good stress relief, some thing for experience, and some thing you can do to draw you closer to a gun club, or even family.

  There are many good and valid reasons for owning a hand gun, but you always have to remeber to be responsible. If you abuse the right, it takes it away for others who treat it right. If owning a hand gun isnt your thing, no big deal, it isnt for every one.


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