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Pregnancy in Teenagers

  • Date Submitted: 01/28/2010 10:14 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 61.8 
  • Words: 414
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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When I was in high school I had to do a project about a social problem. I chose the topic of pregnancy in teenagers. Previously, I had met my friend’s sister who was turning seventeen and was pregnant. Her name was Clara and she was facing several problems due to her pregnancy.

I decided to talk to Clara to find out about her experience of pregnancy. Clara was a shy girl, who never had a good relationship with her parents. So, during her first four months of pregnancy she hid the situation from her parents. Therefore, Clara used to wear a corset over her stomach to prevent it from growing.

Besides, Clara’s boyfriend was not interested in being a father yet. For this reason, he left her without any explanation. Thus, Clara was completely alone without anyone’s help. Consequently, Clara began to face her future of being a single mother, knowing that under that circumstance her chances of having a prosperous economic life for herself and her baby were a lot more difficult. Indeed, Clara had recently lost her job as a part-time cashier in a supermarket. Because of the swelling in her legs and the high blood pressure caused by the pregnancy.

Additionally, Clara used to experience fainting, vomiting, and sickness as symptoms of the pregnancy. As a consequence, she had to cancel her education, since she was no longer able to attend high school. In her last months of pregnancy, Clara also began to feel really sad. But, she did not know that it was the beginning of a depression. In her eighth month of pregnancy she felt weak, so she had to stay in bed most of the day.

Moreover, Clara’s life as a teenager was finishing when the baby was going to be born. That would be the beginning of her life as a mother. Clara’s friends began to show up less at her house, because they used to attend places like discotheques that were not ideal for a “future-mother” to be at.

Clara had to avoid drinking, smoking, and...


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