Words of Wisdom:

"Gravitation cannot explain why people fall in love." - Delmar

Essays for History: Europe

  1. The Alamo
    "To the people of Texas and all Americans in the World: <br /> <br /> I shall never surrender or retreat ... I Am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what it is due to his honor and that of his...
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    • 10 Pages
  2. The Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States of America. The <br /> Articles of Confederation were first drafted by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in <br /> 1777. This first draft was...
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    • 4 Pages
  3. The Corset
    The Corset <br /> By Sawyer Armstrong <br /> November 8, 2001 <br /> <br /> All throughout history, a person’s economical and social rank could be shown through what clothes they wore. In ancient Egypt, a person of upper class was...
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  4. The Country of Ireland
    Ireland is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of England. The island of Ireland is composed of two countries: The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ireland’s capital is Dublin.<br /> Celtic tribes first settled...
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  5. The Effect of One Tribe on an Entire Nation
    The Roman Catholic Church is a foundation of medieval European culture. However, certain people also had influential effects. These included Pope Urban II, Walter the Penniless, and Peter the Hermit. Everyone in Europe belonged to the Roman Catholic...
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  6. The Irish Question
    For many weary years Home Rule or "The Irish Question" had confused the British Parliament. The Roman Catholic Irish despised the Union of 1801 that had abolished the Irish Parliament. It had not saved Ireland from appalling misery, death and...
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  7. The Italian Wars
    The Italian Wars 1494-1559: - <br /> <br /> Introduction: <br /> <br /> The key issues over which the Italian Wars were fought were primarily financial incentives for Charles VIII of France. He declared that he intended to use Naples as a...
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  8. The "Phenomenon" of Greece
    Greece is a strange phenomenon the similar of which could hardly be equaled elsewhere in the world. The greatest misfortune of Turkey is that it is condemned to live with that country side by side. When the issue is Turkey, Greece always sees red...
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    • 23 Pages
  9. The Protestant Reformation
    I walked around town thinking about the Reformation that would make great impacts on the history of my village in Germany and other lands. Most people in Europe are prayer people who accept all aspects of the church, whether or not they personally...
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  10. The Reformation of the Church of England
    On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther took a stand against the Church of England. He was troubled by the way the churches were embezzling money from the people. The pope and priest became wealthy and lived in a life of pleasure using money to make...
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  11. The Reign of Terror
    Maximilien Robespirre, a unique member of the Jacobin Club, formed the Republic of Virtue. He was a radical that wanted to wipe all traces of France's past monarchy and nobility. Whether he was doing this for the good of the country or not, it did...
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  12. The Seven Years War
    The word "privateer" conjures a romantic image in the minds of most Americans. Tales of battle and <br /> bounty pervade the folklore of privateering, which has become a cherished, if often overlooked part of <br /> our shared heritage. Legends...
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    • 11 Pages
  13. Three Most Significant Absolute Monrchs in European History
    The three most significant absolute monarchs in European history were: Elizabeth I from England, Phillip II from Spain, and Louis XIV from France. Elizabeth I was a freak, Louis XIV was a brave king, Phillip II was an ambitious king. Elizabeth I was...
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  14. Voltaire: a History That Never Moved
    Voltaire: A history that never moved <br /> By Binoy Kampmark <br /> <br /> <br /> Why should history move? Consider it a frozen tableau, an unchanging picture. There are only emotions rather than causation. Even if there is...
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  15. Why Was Karl Marx so Disparaging of the Utopian Socialists
    In order to answer the question posed, I will examine what is meant by the term Utopian Socialism. With reference to this question I will conduct a brief biographical study of one of the great utopian socialist thinkers, Robert Owen. This will...
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