Words of Wisdom:

"If your left leg hurts, walk on the right one you idiot." - I7thsign


  • Date Submitted: 11/27/2011 05:23 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 63.5 
  • Words: 680
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Unit/ Topic: Prepositions
Student Learning Outcome
  * Demonstrate use of some words showing position, time and movement.

Information for Teachers
  * Prepositions tell the position of a noun.
  * For example (on, in, out, behind, under)
The book is on the table.
The book is in the bag.
The book is behind the bag.
The cat is under the table.
On, in, under
In, on, at
To, from, into
from, to
Preposition here is telling the position of the noun “book”

Duration/Number of periods:
Material/Resources Required:   Black board, chalk, chart paper to draw the tables on it, if easily available otherwise draw the tables on the board.
Activity 1
Ask the students where do they keep their booksbag, towel, comb, shoes, clothes, etc
  * Record their responses on the board tell them the word ‘on’, ‘in’ are prepositions.
  * Draw the diagram (given in teacher’s help) on the board.   Explain to the students that prepositions are of four kinds: position, time, direction and movement.
  * Write the following examples on the board:
      1. The cat is sitting on the table.(“on” is a preposition of place, which tells the position of the cat)
      2. I bought it in March.(“in” is the preposition of time that is March)
      3. My friend is coming from Lahore. (“from” is the preposition of direction)
      4. The cat is jumping into water. (“into” is the preposition of movement)
To further explain the kinds of prepositions,   create the similar examples with the help of the students and note their responses on the board.
Activity 1
Make the following charts on the board. .
Ask the students at random to provide examples for each preposition, They must then use any two prepositions in their sentences. (The answers are highlighted in the clomn of examples.)
Preposition of Time
Preposition | Usage | Example |
    * On |     * days of the week |     * on...


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