Words of Wisdom:

"Keep your chin up. Some bugger will punch it." - NewRaVer


  • Date Submitted: 01/28/2010 03:04 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 72.5 
  • Words: 467
  • Essay Grade: 5,00 /5 (1 Graders)
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Tracy, a 9th grader from Mayford High co-ed high school, was a typical goodie girl who was always achieving high standard results. Tracy was popular amongst her school friends, teachers, because she has a unique characteristic of being a tomboy. Tracy loves basketball, her dream is to become one of the best basketball players inn her school. Fortunately, she has just recently been accepted in her school’s grade basketball team.

Tracy was really happy and proud at first, but as time passes by, she realised that there was a gap missing. Being a team member of the coolest basketball team at her school is everything she’d ever dreamt of, but now there is a feeling of unfaithness which was preventing her from reaching her goal.

As Tracy joined the basketball team, she realised she was the only girl. Things went wrong as she first tried to defend the ball from one of the student. Simon violently pushed her and reacted as nothing has happened. Tracy felt like she was being left out and was seen as invisible. No ball ever got near her and nobody seems to be passing the ball to her. They didn’t trust her because she was a female.

Days went by and Tracy was still being left out from their team. She finally realised that she was unaccepted by the rest of the team. Even when the final season is near, Tracy was unaware of the event and nobody wanted to tell her about it. When the big day has arrived, Mayford High School was versing Glenfield High and luckily the game was held at Mayford High.

The crowd was enormous, everyone was cheering. Without even noticing, the whistle blew and the game gas commenced. Tracy reached for the ball, but some player pushed her. Everything was not going smoothly. Tracy seemed invisible, again.

With a blink of an eye, the game was a tie of 5, there was only two minutes left on the clock. Suddenly, someone from the opposite team pushed Simon violently which made Simon...


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  1. niceeeeee
    • Dec 14, 2003 - Evaluator: (rice)
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