Words of Wisdom:

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. (Bejamin Franklin)" - Aaron19888

Essays for Social Issues: Drugs

  1. An Alternative for Prison
    America's prisons have been called "graduate schools for crime." It <br /> stands to reason: Take a group of people, strip them of possessions and <br /> privacy, expose them to constant threats of violence, overcrowd their <br /> cell- <br...
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  2. Anabolic Steroids
    Outline<br /> Thesis: Anabolic Steroids are powerful drugs that help the body gain mass, but also hurts the body with drastic side effects.<br /> <br /> I. Basic Information<br /> A. Anabolic Steroids Aid Body Growth<br /> B. Have Drastic Side...
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  3. Cannabis Legalization
    Discuss: “Cannabis is no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol and should, therefore, be legalised.”<br /> <br /> There has recently been much debate in the media about the decriminalisation of cannabis, both for recreational and medicinal use...
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    • 6 Pages
  4. Drug Abuse
    In the United States of America, we, the people value several things, some of which <br /> <br /> are freedom, expanding and taking care of our families and our financial security. <br /> <br /> We, the people, take such things for granted. We...
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  5. Drugs and the Mafia
    The Accuracy of Drugs as <br /> <br /> portrayed in the Godfather by Mario Puzo, as opposed to reality <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Throughout history Writers have been writing fictional novels based on real <br /> <br...
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  6. Ecstasy
    It is estimated that 94.1 million Americans of the age 12 or older has used an illicit drug at least once in their lifetimes, one of those drugs being Ecstasy. Ecstasy (a.k.a. E’s, New Yorkers, White Doves, Disco Burgers, Love Doves and Dennis...
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    • 9 Pages
  7. Embarking on an Acid Trip: Analysis of the Benefits and Dangers of Lsd
    Embarking on an Acid Trip: Analysis of the benefits and dangers of LSD <br /> HP200 <br /> <br /> Abstract <br /> A thorough analysis of the hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and its effect on humans are given. The...
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  8. Hallucinogens
    Hallucinogens mess with your brain they alter how the brain perceives time, reality, and your environment. They also affect your senses like hearing and seeing. This can make you think that you are seeing stuff and feeling things that don’t even...
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  9. Legalization of Marijuana
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare the issue of legalizing it from both sides. We have two factions fighting each other, those who are pro-marijuana and those who are anti-marijuana. These two factions have been fighting...
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  10. Legalize All Drugs, or Else...
    Legalization of drugs is probably the only way with which we can preserve some of the sanity still left in this world. The war on drugs is costing us over 100 billion dollars to fight each year, and we’re only fighting a monster which we...
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  11. Legalize Marijuana
    I believe that marijuana should be legalized. I believe that if the goverment did so the National debt would be greatly decreased by the money it would make from the taxation of marijuana and also from the decrease in law enforcement and jail cost...
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  12. Legalizing Hemp
    For many years, the United States government has prohibited drugs such as marijuana from sale in the marketplace. Yet, with prohibition, marijuana use has decreased only minimally. Because of prohibition, the media has publicized only the bad...
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    • 21 Pages
  13. Marijuana
    Some call it the demon weed some call it just plane fun well here <br /> is the official statistics on the plant known as Marijuana. For <br /> starters we’ll go with the health part of the plant. Many <br /> “Educational” and...
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  14. Marijuana: the Legalization
    Their Side: <br /> <br /> After the sustaining vote in November of 1996 and coming into effect the beginning of this year, <br /> marijuana is now legal to medical patients in California and Arizona. Proposition 215 reads as follows: <br /> The...
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  15. Performance Enhancing Drugs
    For many years sports have played huge roles in human’s everyday lives. From entertainment, political, financial and to actually competing in them. The task for the sportsmen or women, especially in the top rank, is to beat the other competitors...
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  16. Should Marijuana Be Legalized for Aids Use?
    Fifteen years ago the word AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was barely used in the United States. Today, it's on the cover of every newspaper, and parents and kids discuss it regularly in the household. It is no longer considered someone...
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  17. Steroid Scandel
    When Anabolic steroids were first developed they were thought by doctors to be the miracle drug with the ability to build new body tissue made them superb medication for patients. The 1st widespred application came at the end of world war ll, when...
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  18. Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency
    Substance abuse is the improper use of chemicals that can alter the way one’s mind and body functions (TCC). In most cases, these chemicals would be referred to as a drug. Substance abuse can and may lead to chemical dependency or addiction...
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  19. Teens and Drug Use
    There is no simple answer to why a teen might begin using drugs or alcohol. Many times, it is a combination of several things. They may turn to drugs to escape stress or loneliness or to overcome shyness in social situations. They may want to be...
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  20. The Affects of Illage Chemical on the Human Body
    Marijuana is a popular, and illegal, drug. Its largest consumers are young adults. <br /> Marijuana is smoked in a pipe, bong, or rolled in a joint. Thirty-seven percent of people <br /> between ages 12-17 have tried marijuana. Marijuana gives...
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  21. The Dangerous Path of the Alcohol
    Drinking alcohol, in excess, can cause severe damage in our internal organs. However, if we learn how our body metabolizes alcohol, we can prevent illness caused by alcohol abuse. The alcohol in beverages that we drink, contain ethyl alcohol...
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  22. The Debate over Legalization of Marijuana
    Pro marijuana legalization groups such as the Physician's Association for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma Foundation argue that marijuana should be legalized in order to treat terminally ill patients. Among them are AIDS victims who find that marijuana...
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  23. The Long Term Effects of Marijuana
    Marijuana is a drug that divides people. Some people claim it as the wonder drug of the '90s, capable of relieving the symptoms of many serious illnesses. Others curse the day the cannabis plant was ever discovered. From pain relief to stimulating...
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  24. Weight of Marijuana and Criminal and Tax Law
    Conclusive research has shown that wet (uncured) marijuana is not psychoactive. Before drying, decarboxylation of inactive THCA acid into THC has not yet occurred. During the curing (drying) process, the COOH bonded to the THC is released. The...
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