Words of Wisdom:

"why will some1 search the entire house for the remote but wont get up and change the channel?" - HongNhung

A Test Panarama

  • Date Submitted: 07/31/2010 04:38 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 65.5 
  • Words: 3013
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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    James Cameron的電影Avatar,全片超過60%是用動作捕捉 ( Performance Capture) 的技術拍攝,Cameron讓位於紐西蘭威靈頓的大蟋螽 (Weta)數位工作室利用「虛擬攝影機」系統,將演員的表演與虛擬的電腦背景即時合成,舉凡皺眉頭、動鼻子、眨眼睛、抿嘴吧的細部表情,幾乎完美複製到Na’vi那美人身上。轟動的另類3-D電影引起世人對大蟋螽數位工作室的超夯討論,於是這種世上最重的昆蟲(紐人戲稱「無骨老鼠」)也就成為台灣99年學測英文考試影展的吉祥物了。 稱今年的光華影展為「帕諾拉瑪(panorama)」一點也不為過,我們不妨先看看其規模。

    99學年度學測英文考科整份試題包括選擇題與非選擇題兩大部分,前者評量考生閱讀能力,後者評量考生寫作能力。選擇題評量考生詞彙、語法結構及篇章結構的能力;非選擇題評量考生將中文句子譯成正確達意英文的能力,以及運用學得的詞彙與句法寫出切合主題且連貫短文的能力。以上是大考中心測試考生的能力指標。98學年學測英文考題的總詞數為4333 (中文佔1102) 而99學年學測英文考科的總詞數為3888(中文佔572),雖然閱讀少了一篇,但是英文總詞數維持在3300上下。


    仔細算一算,整份試卷專有名詞共12個: ( Derartu Tulu, Ethiopian, Homeexchanges, Intervac, Maori, Michael, Million Abate, Morakot, New Zealand, Nike, Olympics, Santayehu Eshetu); 超出七千詞彙者有48個: ( abreast, access, accordingly, adolescent, advantageous, alternative, apparel, available, badly, bruise, bulky, chore, cleanliness, consumption, decade, decline, dedicate, diarrhea, discomfort, disproportionately, extravaganza, fetch, harvest, hesitate, inappropriate, inconvenient, incredible, informal, informational, lavish, nocturnal, orphanage, ounce, papery, prom, prosper,   provide, rap, rite, scarcely, shipment, solution, traumatic, tuxedo, unaccustomed, unlikely, villa, weta );四千詞彙以內者有439個,而屬於七千詞彙者有32個:(carbon dioxide, category, cramps, dealer, essential, evolve, excessive, facilitate, generate, invaluable, issue, layer, limousine, lone, pocketbook, potential, potentially, recommend, rental, retailer, secure, storage, subsequent, suburban, swap, swapper, tempting, theft, tribal, undoubtedly, via, yield)。不計算動詞習語和各類複合詞,四千詞彙佔此次考題單詞總數的百分之八十。所以,掌握核心詞彙,善用上下文意,巧於推敲詞意,才是入會場的門票。


(I) Vocabulary
Words:334 Different Wds: 238 Sentences: 33   Wds / Sen:10.12
| Readability                             |Overall             |Calculated Grading                           |
|Lexical Density:...


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