Words of Wisdom:

"if u want to accomplish anything keep ur head towards the stars and never look behind" - Polly

Essays for History: Ancient

  1. A Short History of the Devil by Neil Mohammed
    Horned gods were worshipped in Europe and the rest of the world from the dawn of humanity. They were always part of a pagan belief system, a polytheistic belief system, which accepted many gods. Tribal pagan belief systems still in existence share...
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  2. Ancient Egyptian: Ways of Life
    The Egyptians were the first to make bread that is soft, light and filled with air. They also made the first ovens, because they need a different way to bake the larger mass of dough used for this new kind of bread. The Egyptians used mud bricks...
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  3. Ancient Greece
    GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION <br /> <br /> The Ancient Greek civilization was located on today’s Greek land, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded by mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean...
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  4. Ancient Greece
    After Greece made great migrations from 1100-1000 BC, there was a period called the Greek "dark ages" because little is known about it. At this time, many city-state settlements were emerging. They fortified it at the foot of a hill, so...
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  5. Cicero: a Writer, Statesman, Orator and Philosopher
    Born Marcus Tullius Cicero in Arpinum (Italy) in 106 BC, he became a writer, statesman, orator and philosopher. He loved politics and he wrote only when he could not participate in government. He had a motto which he constantly strived for: to...
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  6. Cluniac Monasticism
    Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Cluniac monasticism between the tenth and twelfth centuries. <br /> <br /> The nature of Cluny lay in the circumstances of it’s foundation. It was endowed with a measure of independence by it’s founder...
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  7. Contemporary Society's Link to the Republican Fall in Rome
    Rome had an well-organized government that used monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy to make it balanced. However, the Republican government collapsed and modified the powers of the rich and poor. The citizens have the power to vote, add laws, and...
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  8. Early Roman History
    As Greece reached the height of its prosperity Rome which lye slightly to the west slowly began its rise as a civilization. The Greeks centered their culture around Art and literature whereas opposed to the Romans who settled their culture upon...
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  9. Hannibal: Master General of the Ancient World
    Hannibal is a great general that used many tactics and strategies to winning his battles. He carefully marched his way through Spain since he had allies in some parts and enemies in other parts. Then he went through France to Italy, where his...
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  10. Heiroglyphics
    When I think of ancient Egypt, I think of a Cleopatra, Marcus Aurelius, and king Tut. But they are only small details that encompass a great civilization that was far advanced for its time. The Ancient Egyptians formed many different types of...
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  11. King Nebuchadnezzar Ii
    Nebuchadnezzar II was a Babylonian king around 605 B.C. and was the second king in the Chaldean dynasty. He was born in 635 B.C. and died in the October of 562 B.C. He became King in 605 B.C. 3 weeks after his father’s death. He was 30 years old...
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  12. King Ramses Ii
    Ramses II Usermaatre Setepenre,third ruler of the 19th Dynasty,was born about 1303 B.C in the Eastern Nile Delta, following the death of his grandfather King Ramses I and Father Sethi I, was one of the longest reigning pharaohs of ancient Egypt.He...
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  13. My Country Armenia
    Everybody loves to go to different places.On weekends people enjoy going out of town.I like to visit my country Armenia. You and your freinds are going to take a trip to Armenia. Armenia is a small European country that was part of the Soviet Union...
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  14. Nausicca
    NAUSICAA;<br /> HOMER ‘THE ODYSSEY’ BOOK VI<br /> <br /> INTRODUCTION<br /> A close look at book V1 and others in Homers Odyssey may lead us to this observation. Far be it from one to lay blame at the door of a Goddess but as far as...
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  15. Sumerian Relation to Present World
    Today's world has benefited from all the technologies and gains by the Sumerians. The rises of the cities (back then) are related to the growth in United States. We have a baby boomer happening every so often and it helps make progress in this...
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  16. The Arawaks
    Amerindians of the \"Saladoid\" culture, originally came from the Venezuelan mainland. They were referred to as \"Arawaks\", because of the language they spoke. Using Trinidad as a stepping stone they spread up the Caribbean and beyond. Ethnologist...
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  17. The Crusades
    The Crusades were Christian military expeditions undertaken between the 11th and the 14th century to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims. “The word crusade, which is derived from the Latin crux (\"cross\"), is a reference to the biblical...
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  18. The Emporer Caesar
    The Emperor Julius Caesar is perhaps most famous as the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. His rise from a humble birth as a peasant boy to Emperor is a tale of bravery, adversity and ultimately triumph through faith.<br /> <br...
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  19. The First Crusade
    In The middle of the Eleventh Century The tranquillity of the eastern Mediterranean seemed assured for many years to come, but little did the people know what was ahead . This, thus embark us on a journey back into the First Crusade. In this paper...
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  20. The Great Pyramid of Egypt
    “Man fears time, yet time fears the Pyramids”. At the city of Giza, the Great Pyramid of Khufu, standing for more than 5 millenniums, build by more than 100,000 people in one pharaoh’s life time, has been the greatest mystery in the ancient...
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  21. The Highland Clearances Re-Examined
    The popular conception of the Highland clearances depicts a simple, clear-cut tale of injustice depicted through sensational images of massacre and destruction. The clanship is often romanticised and the issues surrounding the clearances often...
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  22. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Cluniac Monasticism
    Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Cluniac monasticism between the tenth and twelfth centuries. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The nature of Cluny lay in the circumstances of it’s foundation. It was endowed...
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  23. Weapons of the Middle Age
    The year is 1232. Somewhere in northern Europe, a Saxon castle is <br /> under attack. In the fields for miles around, thousands of soldiers viciously fight. <br /> Metal strikes metal, arrows strike flesh, rock strikes rock. No matter how good...
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  24. Why Does the Iliad Conclude with the Funeral of Hektor?
    Examine why the Iliad concludes with the funeral of Hektor. Could Hektors’ death be recognised as a major defining moment in the Trojan War?<br /> <br /> <br /> In this essay I will illustrate how the burial customs of the late bronze-age...
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  25. Why Was Socrates Found Guilty? Was He Fairly Tried and Condemned?
    At the time of Socrates' trial in 399 BC, Athens was still badly shaken by it's unstable political and military past. The surrender at the Battle of Aegospotami marked the loss of the Peloponnesian war to Sparta, a long and hard fought war which...
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