Words of Wisdom:

"success is a ladder that can not be climbed with your hands in your pocket" - IMDave357

Essays for History

  1. (Fictional) Conversation Between Mark Twain and Theodore Roosevelt on Imperialism
    This Is an Excerpt of a Conversation between Mark Twain and Theodore Roosevelt (Fictional) Mark Twain: My dear Theodore, for you see, imperialism will never bring the...
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  2. 1776
    Alexa Forbes U.S History June 21, 2016 America from 1776 to 1870 The United States changed greatly since the end of the American Revolution and the end of the Civil War...
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  3. 1850 Compromise
    Back in the 1850’s the population of America quadrupled. The manifest destiny was when people believed that the United States was suppose to expand in two ways, from the...
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  4. 1870 -1920 Reconstruction and Industrialism
    Between 1870 -1920 Reconstruction and Industrialism occurred in the United States. Labor Unions and the Progressive Movement came about also during this time, due to the...
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  5. 19 Century America
    QUIZ 1 1. According to the textbook, American history suggests no “rendezvous with destiny” and no sense of a national purpose. FALSE 2. The Columbian Exchange...
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  6. 1913 Irish Strike
    1913 Strike Jim Larkin  Throughout the United Kingdom, the divisions between the labour movement and employers had deepened greatly in the early years of the twentieth...
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  7. 1916 the Labour Government
    In the year of 1916 the labor government introduced conscription. Conscription was a method of convincing men to compulsory enrollment into the armed forces. Conscription...
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  8. 1917 Russian Rveolution
    Hassen Naas History Essay What do you think were the main reasons why the revolution was successful? In 1917, a February revolution broke out in Russia that had caused...
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  9. 1919 Would Be the Turning Point in History
    1919 could be regarded as the turning-point in history. The end of the First World War and the conclusion of the Versailles Treaty changed the political order in...
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  10. 1920s and 1930s
    Trina Dimaranan Hammerson Period 2 January 12, 2010 Essay: The 1920s and the 1930s In the United States in the early 1920s, a new stage appeared with different...
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  11. 1960's
    1960-1970<br /> <br /> Table Of Contents<br /> <br /> Women’s Movement<br /> I. Gloria Steinem pages 1 - 4<br /> Cold War<br /> I. Life into Orbit pages 5 - 7<br /> II. Arms Race pages 8 - 12<br /> III. Berlin Wall pages 12 - 20<br...
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  12. 1st Amendment
    “Freedom of Speech” rights vs “Fair Trial” rights Abstract This essay addresses the First Amendments’ “freedom of speech” rights and the “fair trial” rights specified...
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  13. 2pac
    From the time of the Balkan Wars, which had increased the size of Serbia, it had been the opinion of leading Austrian officials (most notably the Foreign Minister, Count...
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  14. 3 Branch Essay
    III Branches The founding fathers designed the Constitution with three branches of government. They were created because at that time the fear of a tyranny still existed...
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  15. 3 G's Outline
    Thesis: Gandhi, Garvey, and Gramsci were political figures that through their tactics and ideals were able to mass mobilize and unite millions. Although Garvey, Gandhi, and...
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  16. 3 Programs of the New Deal
    James Hairston Essay #4 The Securities and Exchange Commission, The federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Social Security Act were all components of FDR’s New Deal...
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  17. 4 Caliphs
    Were the consecutive successors of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). These four Khulafaa (pl. for Caliph) are called the "Khulafaa-e-Rashidun" or the...
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  18. 500 Years Later: Critical Documentary Review
    Ruethairat Trakulchang PAS 100OL Professor Ratcliff 19 February 2012 500 Years Later: Critical Documentary Review 500...
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  19. 76 Responses to the Industrial Revolution
    & Responses to the Industrial Revolution • What were the responses to Industrialization? Imagine the place – “…a town of machinery and tall chimneys...
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  20. 9/11 Speech
    I would like to welcome you to ‘Ground Zero’ and thank you for being here. I want to extend appreciation to the people who helped organize events for the Remembering...
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  21. 911 Findings
    PART 1- 3: Outline findings from the early studies of domestic terrorism. Early studies of domestic terrorism were conducted by H.H.A. Cooper and the National...
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  22. A Character Profile of Oedipus
    Oedipus is the begotten son of King Lauis and Queen Jocasta of Thebes; forsaken at birth, left to die on the side of the mountain, miraculously discovered by a farmer and...
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  23. A Christmas Story
    A picture could never do justice to downtown Raton at Christmastime. Traveling north on Main, one is treated to the twinkling glow of multi-colored Christmas lights lining...
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  24. A Class Divided
    The many biases created by human inventions strongly impact the social mindfulness of individuals. What is “real” is based on a person’s reality and perspective. In...
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  25. A Cowboy Story
    A modern day cowboy has spent many days crossing the desert without water. His horse has already died of thirst. He's crawling through the sand, certain that he has...
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