Words of Wisdom:

"You don't need eyes to see... you need vision!" - Trishla.mehta

Essays for History: World War Ii (Wwii)

  1. A Time to Remember
    Why is there a Remembrance Day? <br /> <br /> Why, on November 11th every year, do Canadians stop from their daily work <br /> commitments and observe this day as a special holiday? Schools close and <br /> government, public and private offices...
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  2. Appeasement
    Did the policy of appeasement go to any great lengths toward stopping the outbreak of war or did it simply delay the inevitable? <br /> <br /> The task of explaining why appeasement, has been continuously addressed by historians over the years. To...
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  3. Causes of Wwii
    Out of all the wars that the world has gone through, none has been more devastating as World War II. But what caused this war? Well, World War II had six major causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, the failure of peace efforts after World War I...
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  4. Did the Western World Do Enough for the Jews in the Holocaust
    "When they came for the gypsies, I did not speak, for I am not a gypsy. <br /> When they came for the Jews, I did not speak, because I wasn’t a Jew. <br /> When they came for the Catholics, I did not speak, for I am not a <br /> Catholic...
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  5. Effects of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Ever since the dawn of time man has found new ways of killing each other. The <br /> most destructive way of killing people known to man would have to be the atomic bomb. <br /> The reason why the atomic bomb is so destructive is that when it...
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  6. Enigma
    What is an Enigma? Enigma “means a mystery” (Guynn). <br /> Although there are several alternative meanings, to the Germans this meant a thin line between victory and defeat. During World War II the allies not only intercepted encrypted...
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  7. Genocide
    The Germans and the non-Jewish world treated the Jewish people horribly. They looked for freedom, growth, and a better government after World War I. Instead, Jews became prisoners of their own country in Germany. They were put into concentration...
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  8. German Attacks British Territory
    Hitler decided it would be best in Germany's interest to invade Britain since it was the only country in Europe who still held strong against him. German initiated Operation Sea Lion. A mission to take our Britain using seaborne tactics. Before...
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  9. Holocaust
    The holocaust is an atrocity to human intelligence and human dignity. It overshadows all other events in history in terms of organized crimes. The question of how it happened and why no one stopped still prolongs today. Many believe that it was...
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  10. Hugh Steffy
    Today, we learned about a famous man named Hugh Steffy. A man who participated in battles and one of the largest wars in the world. He went in a concentration camp in Germany called Buchenwald. This was not an ordinary camp, but a infiltration...
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  11. Japan After World War Ii
    The occupation of Japan was, from the beginning to the end, an American operation. <br /> General Douglas MacArthur, sole supreme commander of the Allied Power was <br /> in charge of it. The Americans had insufficient men to make a military...
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  12. Japan vs. United States
    Japan had a goal of making an empire called the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. This empire would serve the economic needs of Japan. This huge empire would stretch from Manchuria in the north to Australia in the south. It was similar to...
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  13. Lord of the Flies - Essay 13
    The novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is a very deviant story. The characters in the story have no heroic qualities. Ralph is not a hero because he relies on Piggy’s advice and stalls on his actions. This results in the eventual...
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  14. Post World War Two Immigrants
    During World War Two Australians finally realised just how vulnerable they were to enemy attacks. The reality of this possibility hit home hard when the Japanese attacked Darwin and when Japanese midget subs penetrated Sydney harbour. We now...
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  15. Prejudice, Racism, and the Holocaust
    The Holocaust was a tragic point in history that many people believe never happened. Others who survived it thought it should never had happened. Not only did this affect the people who lived through it; it also affected everyone who was connected...
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  16. Should War Crimes Go Unpunished?
    Individuals should absolutely be held personally responsible for their actions during wartime. Soldiers and other members of the armed services are in the armed services to protect and serve the people of their country; the brave people in the armed...
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  17. Sobibor
    There is one period in time that stands out to most of the world. From 1938-1945 when Hitler and the Nazi Regime killed many Jews, Jehovah Witnesses, Homosexuals, Anti-Germans, Musicians and many more. A major death camp in Poland at the time was...
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  18. Speaker #2
    In 1925, a man was born on the Rhineland in Colon. He was an ordinary citizen of Germany. His father was fighting in World War I and it was a mess in Germany. The factories produced more money whenever it was needed. Thus, it became a disaster...
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  19. Speaker #3
    He was born on Essen of Germany. He was an ordinary citizen of Germany. The keyword to this essay is that word "was." After the NAZI came into power, he was treated as an "inferior race." He did not beat anyone up or abuse anyone. So, why was he...
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  20. Technology in World War Ii
    Since the First World War passed with its greatest influence on the movement and the greedy of power, the world started to develop their plans and methods in wars. World War II saw the biggest evolution of technology, especially weapons, which still...
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  21. The Atomic Bomb
    It is agreed by many parts of our society that one of the main atrocities done by the human being took place on August 6th and 9th, 1945 in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Over 170,000 innocent Japanese individuals died due to the...
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  22. The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was the destruction of European Jewry by the Nazis through an officially sanctioned, government-ordered, <br /> systematic plan of mass annihilation. As many as six million Jews died, almost two-thirds of the Jews of Europe. Although...
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  23. The Superpowers After Wwii
    United States, a super power, it came out of World War II with the strength of supremacy. None of the Axis bombs fell on American cities, nor did they hit the weapon factories. The other super power, USSR, lost many cities from the Nazis. Both...
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  24. The Tragedy of War
    West Russia, World War II <br /> <br /> One winter day at dark down the artillery opened hurricane fire on the enemy’s positions. Soon came the squadron and geysers of soil and curls of smoke erupted from the earth. The front enemy’s...
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  25. What Caused the Second World War? Who Was to Blame?
    War was declared by Britain and France on Germany, September 1939. World War II lasted for six years killing millions; injuring and traumatising many more. Two decades earlier, World War I had taken place also killing, injuring and traumatising...
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