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Essays for Science: Environment

  1. Acid Rain
    Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day <br /> <br /> this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue <br /> <br /> is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head <br /> <br /> on...
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  2. Acid Rain
    INTRODUCTION: Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish <br /> and plants to die in our waters. As well it causes harm to our own race as <br /> well, because we eat these fish, drink this water and eat these plants. It <br...
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    • 9 Pages
  3. Acid Rain
    "Acid Rain," or more precisely acidic precipitation, is the term used to describe <br /> rainfall that has a pH level of less than 5.6--a pH of 7 being neutral. This form of air <br /> pollution is currently a subject of great controversy...
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    • 6 Pages
  4. An Epic Future in Cold Pasteurization
    An Epic Future in Cold Pasteurization <br /> The preservation of food is essential to maintain life and growth. Its daily intakes nourish our bodies, providing enzymes, in turn giving us energy. The ability of matter exerts radiation in its...
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  5. Backyard Fuels Policy
    A century ago, when Henry Ford was mass-producing automobiles, most of the fuel for America’s cars came from places like Oklahoma and Texas. Today, oil for our cars and other things that use petroleum comes from places like Venezuela and...
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  6. Coastal Erosion
    With Reference to examples discuss the view that coastal erosion is caused by human intervention as a posed to natural processes.<br /> For many decades the approach to rapid coastal erosion was to build up sea defenses, to try and slow down or...
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  7. Compressed Air and Water
    The goal of the following research is to demonstrate that Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) reduced energy and water consumption will not only protect their environment, but also earn and save them extra income.<br /> <br /> Brewing used to require...
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  8. Earthquakes
    Throughout history, man has made many advancements. These advancements have been <br /> made to make life easier. The one thing man can't do is to control Mother Nature. Mother Nature <br /> can cause many things such as earthquakes. <br /> The...
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  9. El Nino
    El Nino has been a reoccurring phenomenon for centuries. Man has only started to realize how much of the worlds weather is effected by it. The term El Nino refers to an irregular warming of the seas surface. During the last 40 years there have...
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  10. Elaphurus Davidianus
    Pere David’s deer is a rare Asian animal. Its original home is found in northeastern and east central China. In 1865, a French missionary by the name of Father Pere Armand David was visiting China. While looking over the wall of the Emperor’s...
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  11. Exxon Valdez 10 Years Later
    When people hear the phrase "oil spill: they think a bunch of black stuff all in the water. Well there is a lot more to it then just that. It is an economical disaster as well as an environmental one. As you read along you will see how...
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  12. Favouring Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Foods
    Throughout the advancing technology of today, the human culture is becoming futuristic with science and all of its components. Genetically modifying foods presents positive opportunities in agriculture and human health. Furthermore, more...
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  13. Genetic Catastrophe
    \"We [the human race]|do not have much time to prove that we are not the product of a lethal mutation\"<br /> <br /> Science 263: 181, 1994<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> \"I almost think it is the ultimate destiny of science to exterminate the...
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  14. Genetically Modified Foods – Why All the Fuss?
    Genetically modified foods are made of plants which have been altered. They have been modified on the level of their genes. This changes target higher productivity or better quality. It\'s obvious that this is a topic with much controversy around...
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  15. Improper Watering
    Background Information <br /> <br /> Improper watering is probably the greatest reason for failure in the small garden. In the small garden the soil needs to be at field capacity, a state in which the water is equally distributed throughout the...
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  16. Logging the Rainforest
    A recipe for local and global disaster<br /> <br /> Industrial logging is the main cause of forest loss throughout the tropics. It is the starting point of a process leading to the forests\' final destruction and substitution by agricultural crops...
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  17. Natural Terror
    Dr. Shepard was a Professor of Natural Philosophy and Human Ecology and wrote a number of books on our complex relationships with the earth and her other inhabitants.<br /> Paul Shepard’s book, “The Others: How Animals Made Us Human” is an...
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  18. Ozone Depletion
    Atmospheric ozone layer depletion is a serious problem currently facing the world. The ozone layer protects humans, animals, and plants from harmful ultraviolet rays. Money and time are being spent on ozone repair, but the problem still exists. <br...
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  19. Pakistan - the Land of Adventure and Nature
    From the mighty stretches of the Karakorams in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the South, Pakistan remains a land of high adventure and nature. Trekking, mountaineering, white water rafting, wild boar hunting, mountain and...
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  20. Piping Plover
    (Charadrius Melodus)<br /> <br /> <br /> Introduction<br /> <br /> <br /> The piping plover, a bird now going extinct, was once very bountiful. When an animal is going extinct, it could mean a lot of things. The Piping Plover is an...
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  21. San Andrea Fault
    Introduction <br /> The San Andreas Fault is a geologic fault zone between two tectonic plates that runs from San Francisco south to San Diego in California. It is an area of frequent earthquakes caused by the plates sliding past each other. It...
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  22. Should a Wind Farm Be Built at Gunson Height?
    Should Permission be Given<br /> for a Wind Farm at Gunson Height?<br /> <br /> Hills rolling across the countryside, lush green fields for miles, dozens of walk paths to appreciate the beautiful scenery, used by families for picnics and days out...
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  23. Smog over La
    Section A: Declining Air Quality<br /> <br /> The declining air quality can be held responsible for many things such as city smog and the greenhouse effect. Such problems are very definite in America since they are one of the top air–pollutant...
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  24. The Enviromental Degradation as a Result of Overpopulation
    1 <br /> Introduction <br /> There are simply too many people on our planet, and the population is not showing any signs of <br /> slowing down(see Figure 1). It is having disastrous effects on our environment. There are too many <br...
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    • 16 Pages
  25. The Greenhouse Threat - Fact or Fiction
    Is global warming real? I’m sure this seems like quite an absurd question to many people. With the accumulation of hard evidence for global warming and our supercharging greenhouse effect most people have already taken for granted that the problem...
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