Words of Wisdom:

"Love Nathan! (personally, i really want to kiss him!)ugh hate meself i'm SOO like scared to kiss him!" - Solangeu

Essays for Art: Movies

  1. Alienation in Modern Society
    I will compare and contrast Mike Newell\'s Dance with a Stranger and<br /> Danny Boyle\'s Shallow Grave in terms of alienation. The reasoning<br /> behind my choice is that these two films have explicit characteristics<br /> in the frame...
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  2. Andersonville (the Movie)
    “Five hundred men moved silently toward the gates that would shut out life and hope for most of them forever. Quarter of a mile from the railroad we came into a massive palisade with great squared logs standing upright in the ground. Fires blazed...
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  3. Burkina Faso
    Standing for “Country of Integrity”, Burkina Faso is the great capital of African cinema. In<br /> fact, it is known through all Africa and around the world for making good movies. What are the reasons? The Burkinabese government invests a lot...
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  4. Citizen Kane: an Accurate Portrayal of William Randolph Hearst?
    Many have called Citizen Kane the greatest cinematic achievement of all <br /> time. It is indeed a true masterpiece of acting, screen writing, and <br /> directing. Orson Welles, its young genius director, lead...
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  5. Critique on Open City
    Open City by Roberto Rossellini<br /> <br /> “Open City” is a neo-realist film that followed the movement in Italy during World War 2. The film is neo-realistic because it has that ‘reality’ like feeling to it by following specific...
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  6. George of the Jungle
    The film “George of the Jungle”, directed by Sam Weisman is a romantic comedy and parody. In other words, it fully rips off Tarzan and makes a classic story seem stupid. <br /> <br /> In the beginning of the film the audience is shown a short...
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  7. Heathers and Shame
    Throughout time the concept of gender and the corruption of power associated with it has been a very evident problem within society. Many texts have been designed to expose these issues and in particular the feature films’ Heathers, directed by...
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  8. Joy Luck Club
    The Joy Luck Club is a movie by Wayne Wang based on a book by Amy Tan. The movie begins with a short narrative which is simply the gist of the movie. It speaks of how a woman bought a goose which soon becomes a swan. This woman aspired to go to...
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  9. Lifting Up an African Hero
    Sometimes the magic of movies gives you an overwhelming amount of emotion by bringing you joy, fear, or sorrow. Sometimes, movies offer a great old-fashioned learning experience. For someone who does not know a thing about African politics in...
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  10. Lord of the Rings
    Introduction<br /> <br /> For my essay I am writing about the importance of the well known character Frodo Baggins. Frodo Baggins is important because he reinforces the themes of courage, loyalty and friendship, and the fact that anyone can do...
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  11. Luc Besson
    Thesis: Luc Besson is one of the best French Directors of this century. His works can either be viewed as mere action packed thrillers or the viewer can go in depth and question society and morality. Besson wishes to make the viewer question the...
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  12. Man with a Movie Camera vs Run Lola Run
    Andre Parfeniuk Student # 10260974 December 3, 2001 <br /> The Impact of Dziga Vertov on Film <br /> " The main and essential thing is : the sensory exploration of the world through film. We therefore take as a point of departure the use of...
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  13. Matrix Reloaded
    “The moving image and film sequence deconstruction” After watching 10 minutes of your select film sequence, carefully analyse a selection of varied camera shots and say what is significant about each one. Also indicate aspect of music, sound...
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  14. Meet Me in St. Louis
    This film is about a well off family who has four beautiful daughters. One of the daughters who is the age of 17 years old is played by Judy Garland who falls in love with a boy next door, even though the boy next door barely notices that Judy...
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  15. Once Were Warriors
    Filmic technique plays a vital role in the way an audience looks at a character or society in a whole. Lee Tamahori’s film “Once were warriors” uses filmic technique in the crafting of the characters, the roles they adopt and the...
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  16. Rainman
    The film “rain man” is set with two very different characters. That of Charlie, a fast-talking, money hungry con-artist, and Raymond, Charlie’s autistic brother. The film is about change and the building of a friendship and brotherhood. The...
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  17. Two Different People Showed how they Could Relate and Communicate a Successful and Healthy Relationship
    The movie, Save the Last Dance, goes along with all of our discussions and conversations about the visual difference between the black and white cultures and the stereotyping that Hollywood does of the two cultures. The movie shows the difference...
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  18. Save the Last Dance
    This movie was off the hook! First of all, these are the type of movies that should be known to mankind. Save the Last Dance, is a blend of love and romance with a little piece of hate crimes, racism, and of course most definitely violence. Well to...
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  19. Saving Private Ryan
    In his review of the film “Saving Private Ryan”, N.Cull claims that the film presents… “a realistic depiction of the lives and deaths of G.I’s in the European theatre in World War II”. Do you agree with his assessment of the film? Argue...
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  20. Sleepy Hollow: "Heads Will Roll"
    Have you ever heard of The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow? It’s a wonderful story, written by Washington Irving in 1819. It was then made into a movie entitled Sleepy Hollow by the gothic film maker Tim Burton in 1999. <br /> <br /> Basically, it...
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  21. Smoke Signals - Personal Reflection
    For most of my life, the word “Native American” had immediately made me think of feathers, powwows, and a society uncorrupted by civilization. However, in watching the movie Smoke Signals, a movie that depicts the modern Native American culture...
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  22. Star Wars: Episode I: the Phantom Menace
    Being a Star Wars fan for many years, I was greatly interested in the upcoming prequels (Episodes I, II and III). So, when Episode I was released, I was at the theater the opening day and I was just absolutely mesmerized. The movie was like a fine...
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  23. The Magnificent Ambersons
    “The biggest mistake we have made is to consider that films are primarily a form of entertainment. The film is the greatest medium since the invention of movable type for exchanging ideas and information, and it is no more at its best in light...
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  24. The Matrix
    In the not-too-distant future, the human race has become enslaved to man-made machines armed with artificial intelligence. To keep humans under control, the machines place them in the Matrix, a highly advanced computer simulation program that...
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  25. The Mission
    The movie The Mission takes place in 1750 in South America. The main characters in the movie are Rodrigo Mendoza (Robert De Niro), who was a Spanish slave trader, and Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons), who was a Spanish Jesuit. This essay will...
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