Words of Wisdom:

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. Abraham Lincoln" - The_god_damned

My Phone Died

  • Date Submitted: 09/10/2016 12:25 PM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 89.2 
  • Words: 647
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Barbara Andrade

Death in China

“What are we going to do?” My sister Debra asked.

“I have no idea,” I said.

“Let’s ask someone.”

We asked many people for help, but nobody seems to understand what we were                 saying.   We were lost in China, and the battery of my phone had died.

One of our best friends, Marie, has been dreaming all her life with going celebrate her 24th birthday in Beijing, and she finally was going to make her dream come true. Debra and I, wanted to go so bad that we save money for a year so we could go surprise her. I planned everything, the flight, the hotel and even a tour for the city. We arrived to China on August 12; Marie’s Birthday was August 13.

“I’m so exited to surprise Mary” Debra said.

“I know, me too! Let’s go to our hotel and then go to the tour, that way in the night we can hang out with Marie”

“She is going to freak out when she finds out we are here.”

“I know, that’s the point”

We went to do the check in at our hotel, and then went to begin our tour.
We were having an amazing time at the tour because everyone was so nice and we were just exited to be there.

“This is our last stop for the day,” the tour guide said. “You can choose to stay here at the market, or we can take you back to your hotel.”

“We are going to stay here, thank you!” Debra said.

“We have 3 hours left, let’s do some shopping and then we can get in contact Marie.”  

“That’s a good Idea let’s do it.”

Everything was so cheap that we were buying things like crazy, it was the perfect opportunity to buy presents for Christmas so that’s what we did. We were so lost in time and so impress by the unknown that we forgot about Marie’s party.

“OMG Barbara! What time is it?” Debra screamed.
“I don’t know! I don’t have a watch”

“Check your phone then!” I checked my phone and realize it had died.

“My battery died and I left my charger at the hotel”

Debra looked at me like she was...


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