Words of Wisdom:

"My first pet was...Delicous..." - Essay4free

Importance of Self Education

  • Date Submitted: 03/14/2010 04:38 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 64.1 
  • Words: 389
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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So, you’re company doesn’t provide enough training?  They won’t send you to seminars?  Won’t reimburse you for books and audio programs?  Well, while that is unfortunate (sales managers, what are you thinking?!), we’re not going to let you off the hook!
In this early episode (we’ve been saving it for a special occassion) we discussed the need for sales people to take responsibility for and ownership of their own educations.  Whether you’re an MBA selling high-tech software solutions or a college drop-out selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door (or vice-versa), you need to continually improve your mind in order to succeed.  So how can you do it?
First, Brad discusses the importance of creating your own Automobile University, a concept recommended by greats like Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and Zig Ziglar.  How do you spend the time in your car between calls?  If you’re not spending at least a little time each day listening to great audio programs, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity for growth!  Whether it’s “Acres of Diamonds“, “Ziglar on Selling” or “Motivation 101″, the knowledge you can gain while driving around is incredible.
Next, Jerry discussed the importance of becoming a reader.  You’ve heard before that “leaders are readers”, but are you taking the time every day to put that principle into practice in your life?  The time to do it is now!  But what if you don’t have money in the budget to buy new books?  Answer: find your local library and use it.  With all the free information available in books, there is really no excuse for not reading on a regular basis.  It will improve your results dramatically.
Lastly, we discussed learning from your peers.  This truly is one of the best educations you can receive, especially when you surround yourself with other great sales people.  Listen, ask questions and observe the things they do well, then go put them into practice in your own career.  Remember, imitation is the highest form of flattery.
Thanks again for...


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