Words of Wisdom:

"This World Is Filled With Evil Tempertantrums And Sonic Explosions" - Dellarh

Essays for English: Book Reports

  1. 1984 by George Orwell
    In the book “1984” Orwell criticizes totalitarianism of all types and brings up questions concerning social status of citizens and the role of politics in the society. Orwell depicts events, experience, time, memories through different...
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  2. A Doll's House
    Often in literature characters are presented as victims of society. There are many examples of this in Henrik Ibsen’s controversial play, “A Doll’s House”. Written during the Victorian era, Ibsen’s play would have...
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  3. Women's Issues In And Concerning A Doll's House
    Women’s Issues In and Concerning A Doll’s House<br /> <br /> A Doll’s House was a groundbreaking play upon its original theatrical release. Critics were extremely negative at first, as demonstrated by Rosefeldt’s opinion, “In Henrik...
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  4. A Literary Analysis of "Barn Burning"
    At first glance, the story “Barn burning” seems just to be about a tyrannical father and a son who is in the grips of that tyranny. I think Faulkner explores at least one important philosophical question in this story were he asks at...
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  5. A Midsummer Night's Dream, Quote Response/Analysis
    There are many themes in William Shakespeare\'s A Midsummer Night\'s Dream(1595 or 1596), the main theme of the play is love. The main plot of the play is composed of the interaction of two Athenian couples(Hermia and Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius...
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  6. A Picture of Dorian Gray
    Oscar Wilde, author of The Picture of Dorian Gray, makes Basil's lifechangedrastically by having him paint a portrait of Dorian Gray and expresstoo much of himselfin it, which, in Wilde's mind, is a troublesome obstacle to circumvent. Wilde...
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  7. A Separate Peace - Gene's Journey
    Gene Forrester's difficult journey towards maturity and the adult <br /> world is a main focus of the novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles. <br /> Gene's journey begins the moment he pushes Phineas from the tree and <br /> the process...
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  8. A Tale of Two Cities
    In the fictitious novel Tale of Two Cities, the author, Charles <br /> Dickens, lays out a brilliant plot. Charles Dickens was born in <br /> England on February 7, 1812 near the south coast. His family moved to <br /> London when he was ten...
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  9. A Tale of Two Cities: Which Chapters Do You Prefer, Those Set in Engla
    On reading ‘A Tale Of Two Cities’, my general impression is that the French chapters are a lot more interesting to read. I prefer the chapters set in France because they are much more exciting and I am carried away by the novel whereas...
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  10. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Scandal in Bohemia
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was written by Sir Arthur ConanDoyle. The novel was first published in 1892. A Scandal in Bohemia was a short story about a woman who has pictures of herself and a high Englishnobleman. She used them to...
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  11. After the Bomb
    After the Bomb written by Gloria Miklowitz is a thrilling <br /> novel that takes place before, during, and after a bomb which <br /> supposedly was sent from Russia by accident. L.A. and surrounding <br /> cities are all altered by the...
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  12. All Quiet on the Western Front
    The Problem of Language in "All Quiet on the Western Front" For it is no easy undertaking, I say, to describe the bottom of the Universe; nor is it for tongues that only babble child's play...
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  13. Amazing Grace
    Introduction <br /> Jonathan Kozol’s Amazing Grace is a book about the trials and tribulations of everyday life for a <br /> group of children who live in the poorest congressional district of the United States, the South Bronx. <br /> Their...
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  14. Amusing Ourselves to Death; Mediums, Friend or Foe?
    Electronic media is inferior to print media due to the fact that electronic media can be bias, selective, and evasive for the purpose of entertainment. Electronic media serves as a form of entertainment with a main goal of serving their...
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  15. Amy Foster & the Mythology of Love
    In "Amy Foster", Joseph Conrad has written a great story that <br /> shows the different types of love felt between Amy and Yanko as <br /> described by Joseph Campbell in his essay on "The Mythology of Love". <br /> The relationship of Yanko...
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  16. An Ethical Balance
    Holiness, sin, and life are repeatedly questioned throughout John Steinbeck\'s The Grapes of Wrath, particularly by the former preacher, Jim Casey. As a preacher, Casey only preaches what the bible states and he resigns from his occupation after he...
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  17. An Inspector Calls - Essay 24
    In \"An Inspector Calls\", J.B. Priestley uses the characters and attitudes of the Birling family, especially Mr. Birling, to make the audience feel sympathy for Eva Smith. The family is \"prosperous\" and \"comfortable\", and Mr. Birling\'s...
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  18. Analysis of Richard Wright's Black Boy
    Childhood is suppose to be years full of carefree enjoyment; however, in Richard Wright’s autobiography about growing up black in the south during the early 1920’s this image is shattered. Throughout the book, Richard paints a picture of...
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  19. Anne Frank
    In 1933, the Nazis began to execute their plan to round up all the <br /> Jews within Europe and relocating them into concentration camps. There, <br /> they would be executed or forced to labor until death. In 1942, when the <br /> Nazis began...
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  20. Anne Frank 7
    Anne Frank: The Whole Story is a movie filled with sorrow and horrification .<br /> It was one of the many saddest events that occurred in the history of the world. In the following paragraphs you will be reading a summary or a “movie...
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  21. Anne Frank Diary
    Anne Frank lived with her family in a pleasant house.For Anne and her sister, Margot, their early childhood wasa sucure place inhabited by loving parents, relatives andnurses. However, the Nazis had gained power in some parts ofGermany. The...
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  22. Antigone and Ismene
    Tragic heroes are generally people of high social stature with a tragic flaw that usually manifests itself in the form of poor judgment and arrogance, condemning the hero to a disastrous end and establishing the character’s destiny. Antigone...
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  23. Appearance vs. Reality
    In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the theme of appearance versus reality is recurrent. Austen seeks to prove that often one’s appearance hides one’s true character. This thematic concept is clearly evident in the case of Mr. Darcy and Mr...
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  24. Atticus Finch
    Character Analysis on Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird<br /> <br /> Abraham Lincoln once said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Atticus Finch, a character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, must...
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  25. Band of Brothers
    I. Authors Background <br /> <br /> Stephen Ambrose was born in 1936 and grew up in Whitewater, Wisconsin, a small town where his father was the M.D. At the University of Wisconsin, he started as a pre-med, but inspired by a great professor...
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