Words of Wisdom:

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."- Susan B. Anthony" - Dwayne

Israel P.L.O. Peace Treaty

  • Date Submitted: 01/28/2010 06:29 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 54.9 
  • Words: 3458
  • Essay Grade: 2,00 /5 (1 Graders)
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The Middle East has always been known as the Holy Land, the land of the Bible. For centuries, prophets have walked there, nations have collided and conquerors have come and gone. While Jews claim a three thousand-year-old attachment to this ancient land, Arabs also stake their devotion. In 1993, these two peoples, involved in a tragic conflict that has lasted more than half a century, saw the possibility of a new beginning. It was called the Oslo Accord, and it transformed the political realities of the Middle East (Peres, p.2) However, there have been many turbulent events that have followed the signing of the Accord, events that have undermined the agreement and are threatening to drive Israelis and Arabs apart once again.

        Since the founding of Israel in 1948, there has been continuous conflict between Israel and the Arab states. This conflict has been marked by six bloody wars. In 1867, during the six-day war of Syria, Jordan and Egypt, Israel captured the West Bank, Sinai and the Gaza strip. Subsequently, a population of over a million Palestinian Arabs, together with their land was now under Israeli control. (Spencer, p.70) It was during this time that a Palestinian leader emerged, Yasser Arafat. Labeled a terrorist by Israel and the United States, he and his Palestine Liberation Organization called for the eviction of Israel from the occupied territories by force of arms. In 1979, Israel returned Sinai to Egypt by a peace treaty. Although Egypt’s Prime Minister Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1982 by anti-peace forces, the peace still remained between the two countries. This paved the way for negotiations with Jordan, Syria, and the Palestines. (Hunter, p.17-20)

        However, Israel’s continued occupation of the Palestinian territories led to the uprising of Arab youth in the West Bank and Gaza, known as the Intifada.   For the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, the Intifada provided them with a new and assertive...


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  1. Very bad conclusion
    • Sep 27, 2006 - Evaluator: (georges)
    • I liked your article, but your solution at the end seems quite, sorry for the word, stupid. You propose that Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt sacrifice from their land to the Palestinians!!!!!! Israel comes and takes by force the land of the Palestinians and then to solve the problem you propose that the Israeli keep their stolen land and then Palestinians retake, I would presume by force because I don't think these 4 countries will give territories by peace, lands from neighboring country. I remind you that Palestinians and Lebanese and Palestinians and Jordanian fought each other in the Lebanese and Jordanian civil war, because the Palestinians were using their territories to launch attacks against the Israel. Plus, what would you do with the population living in these territories you want to give to the palestinians???? And plus you didn't address a crucial issue which is beside Jerusalem a very important point in the negotiation. The 48 and 67 wars left millions of Palestian refugees (because of the very human way the Israelis treated them in the war...) in the neighboring countries and even in Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, and even the richest n Europe and the USA. Suppose a Palestinian state is created, what would you do with all those people UN resolution 198 says that these should return to their land, which is for a majority of them inside the Israeli territory (i.e. not int West Bank neither Gaza Strip, neither the Golan). My solution is simple, either a one state solution in which palestinians and jews live side by side, but this solution won't satisfy the jews, because, it wouldn't be called the Jewish state, and their Law of Return would be invalid, and their racist behavior towards the 20% arabs non-jews israelis would stop. The other less appealing solution is the two-state solution with the Palestinian state occupying Gaza Strip an West Bank and of course with a safe passage between both (which is stipulated in the Oslo agreement), and the refugees return for the majority of them to the Palestinian territory and about 20-30% of them to Israel where they originally come from. And of course, Israel withdraws from all other occupied territory (i.e. Golan height), and return all the political prisonners she is holding (Israel has thousands of Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanese and Palestinian prisoners). And only then a peace can be acheived in the region. Actually the solution to the problem is quite simple, follow the UN resolutions which are supposed to be the guidelines for peace and constitute the international law, and you'll get a just peace for all.