Words of Wisdom:

"Hello there.. ^_^" - Reggaeirie1234

Essays for English: Creative Writing

  1. The Beast Is Silent
    Alone in his room the priest would mastermind his hunt. He would examine his conscious as he looked in the mirror. He admires his body and hungers for it to be touched by a young boy’s hand. He is reminded of his vow of celibacy but knows it does...
    • 4021 Words
    • 17 Pages
  2. The Best and the Proud
    It was August 5, 2005, the day we all had been patiently waiting for. Our hard work was finally going to be rewarded by a gratifying applause on the Graduation Day. Standing on the stage and taking the final bow was the best achievement of my life...
    • 830 Words
    • 4 Pages
  3. The Crucible 10
    The Crucible deals with witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts which shows utter chaos and hysteria in the town. Many were accused of witchcraft and died because of lies. Elizabeth Proctor was one of many who were accused. She was accused by...
    • 604 Words
    • 3 Pages
  4. The Cuban Change
    One day during winter recess my family and I traveled to Cuba. During my stay I would roam and explore Havana’s streets with my cousin Adrian, who unfortunately lives there. As we walked through the improperly constructed streets, I would notice...
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    • 3 Pages
  5. The Duel
    Walking onto the stage, seeing my challenger; thought not much of him, then I glanced to my left; hundreds upon hundreds of people have come to see this. My nerves shot to hell, I picked it up, plugged it in, waiting for the challenger’s opening...
    • 2670 Words
    • 11 Pages
  6. The House on Clydesdale Lane
    The small townhouse always had the inviting fragrance of freshly cut flowers in the morning and the delicious aroma of my mother's secret recipes in the early evening. Anyone who entered was immediately greeted by the fragrances and found...
    • 706 Words
    • 3 Pages
  7. The Mirrors
    It was a small, circular mirror. When Jake picked it up, he saw his crystal clear reflection, <br /> enhanced by the smooth, silver glass. He looked up out of the old boxes he was rummaging <br /> through to find the rest of his dimly lit garage...
    • 1330 Words
    • 6 Pages
  8. The Red Shoes
    ‘The Red Shoes’ is an imaginary and unreal story related by Hans Christian Anderson. Anderson makes effective use of fantasy to teach a moral lesson. He builds up the story in such a way that the reader does not care for the validity of...
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    • 4 Pages
  9. The Rewards of Homeschooling
    Education starts at home. Although there are very competitive teachers out there giving the best of them to teach our children ,no doubt about it , education goes hand on hand, so the role of the parents in a child education is very relevant . I...
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    • 3 Pages
  10. The Secrets of "Hunters in the Snow"
    In Tobias Wolff’s “Hunters in the Snow”, the three main characters each have secrets which they are concealing despite their friendships. These obscuring truths later cause trouble for each of the characters and will lead to their...
    • 850 Words
    • 4 Pages
  11. The Shop
    The sound made Elizabeth jump. Yet again it had come from the shop next door. She frowned at the old, battered doors of the ancient antique store. It was as though the owner was renovating. The problem was, the shop did not have one. The owner had...
    • 879 Words
    • 4 Pages
  12. The Unattended Graveyard
    As the unfriendly, ice-cold wind travelled precipitously over the neglected heath, I made my first brave step towards the enormous entrance leading into the settlement of those abandoned souls. While I continued at a steady pace towards the...
    • 4358 Words
    • 18 Pages
  13. The Unknown - Chapter 1
    Friday the thirteenth. A day that most people who were superstitious loathed but a lot of people, like Claire loved that day. Why? Because it was just something out of the ordinary and gave Claire an excuse to play pranks and have a good time...
    • 2269 Words
    • 10 Pages
  14. The Waiting Room
    Ring! Ring! <br /> <br /> Who could that be, wondered Henry as he glanced at the clock. It’s three a.m. “Hello.” <br /> <br /> “Henry, its Jake. Sandra was in an accident last night…” <br /> <br /> “Is it serious...
    • 3004 Words
    • 13 Pages
  15. Through Trials and Tears
    What is America? A young girl in a distant land asked her mother this question in a whisper as they were hiding among produce and goods on the docks trying to find a way our of their county. A way out of their life of poverty, persecution and even...
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    • 4 Pages
  16. To Be Ready or Not to Be Ready?: What a Stupid Question
    There is an old adage that claims it is better to be safe than sorry. Most people living on planet Earth would agree. The art of preparation is a skill every old person wants the youth of America to possess. Business leaders want their employees...
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    • 3 Pages
  17. Tom Sawyer
    Growing up in a small community can be hard, I won’t be the only on to tell you that, but living in one in the 1800’s was tougher. This is especially true when there’s a murdering robber who wants revenge lurking about. But it’s got its...
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  18. U.F.O and Aliens
    Do you believe in Aliens or life on different planets? There are many people who believe they seen alien or U.F.O and I am one of them. This is how everything started: <br /> <br /> My family and I were driving back from a holiday in France. On the...
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  19. Way to Rainy Mountain
    N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain glorifies the Kiowa culture and describes its traditions. N. Scott Momaday in his reminiscence demonstrates nostalgic longing for a time that cannot be salvaged and is gone forever. The author reminds...
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  20. What Matters?
    What matters most to you in the world today? People often ask this question. I must say being 26 I have been asked this question many times in my life. The response I always give was my career. Winning and surfing, you see they are the only things...
    • 635 Words
    • 3 Pages
  21. When Is It Stalking
    Sitting at Starbucks, drinking coffee. <br /> <br /> “Last night I sat outside her house watching and waiting, I’m convinced she new I was there. Still I sat outside watching waiting for my delivery to arrive. I was waiting for hours...
    • 1126 Words
    • 5 Pages
  22. When the Birds Hit the Windows.
    On November 24th, 1999, the man that lived in the second house on the <br /> other side of the river took out his rifle and shot himself. I want to <br /> tell you about it; about the things that are going on that could push a <br /> man to...
    • 2141 Words
    • 9 Pages
  23. When the World Came to an End
    A beaker of some unknown chemical bubbled ominously on the corner burner, when I walked into the room. I starred at the green chemical as it bubbled like crazy. I was getting closer to see why it was bubbling. No one was in the room when I walked...
    • 691 Words
    • 3 Pages
  24. Why Me?
    What was I going to do? My mom was going to freak out on me. Oh no! Not my Dad, he is going to kill me. I have no idea what I am going to do? Who is going to be there for me and help me get through all this. <br /> At this point I had no idea...
    • 690 Words
    • 3 Pages
  25. Words That Could Never Be Spoken
    Dear Grandpa, <br /> <br /> <br /> You may know who I am, then again you may not. You left this world before the thought of me even existed. Those two packs a day and countless nights at the bar captured and destroyed any chance there was chance...
    • 370 Words
    • 2 Pages
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