Words of Wisdom:

"my aim is getting better every day" - Gautam

Essays for Politics

  1. Computers Part in Our Lives
    Computers have become a major part of our lives today. We use them for tests, entertainment, organization, studying, etc. They are a vital essential in the world we live in...
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  2. Condoleezza
    Not many people can add the position of National Security Advisor to their list of achievements, especially if those people are women. Condoleezza Rice, however, can place...
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  3. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Review
    Book Review: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Submitted By: Zia ud din Ahmed Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Reviewed Have you ever wondered why LDCs...
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    • 7 Pages
  4. Congress & the Presidency
    Modern scholars of American government often claim that there has been an institutional shift in power from the legislative to the executive over the last seventy sixty years...
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    • 21 Pages
  5. Drafting of the Constitution
    “ "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"-Thomas Jefferson Through painful years of authoritarian British government and the weak Articles of Confederation, Americans...
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  6. Combating the Devil of Corruption
    With corruption we come to the most ridiculous phenomenon in the politico-social structure of our society. In simple words, corruption means the betrayal of an...
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  7. Extent of Coruption in India - Essay
    If two or more persons meet together and start taking about the present society of India they soon come to the conclusion that every system, every institution of India is...
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  8. Democracy in India
    http://mbaforum.ascenteducation.com/corruption-is-the-price-we-pay-for-democracy-t381.html Democracy in India has the distinction of being world’s largest functioning...
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  9. Differences in Lokpal Bill and Jan Lokpal Bills
    The Jan Lokpal Bill (Citizen's Ombudsman Bill): Is it flawless? 75 rate or flag this page By premsingh differences in lokpal & jan lokpal bill Source: curtsy youtube...
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  10. Menace and Measures to Mitigate Corruption
    – Menace & Measures to mitigate What and Why? Oxford dictionary defines corruption as dishonest or unmoral behavior or activities. So, when we talk about...
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  11. Corruption Ghanta
    Some of the most innovative and attractive aspects of this convention are precisely the obgliations to adopt preventive measures, to promote civil society participation and...
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  12. Corruption in India - 2
    7/28/12 Corruption in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Corruption in India From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Corruption in India is a major issue and...
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  13. Counter Terrorism
    “If we do not counter terrorism with force and more force, then we are holding the gun against our own heads.” This view is shared by some of the most powerful men in the world. George Bush, for example, was willing to spend millions of dollars...
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  14. Criminal Justice
    Tattoos on the heart English 101 Professor 4/26/2013 The novel Tattoos on the heart is a novel told by father Gregory Boyle and about the people who he have...
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  15. Criminal Justice System
    Criminal Justice System Restorative justice, as part of criminal justice system, has given a fresh outlook to the way we regard criminals, by forcing communities, workplaces...
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  16. Critique of the Nine
    Sloan A. November 29, 2012 3rd Period Critique of The Nine- Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court Jeffrey Toobin is the author of the book The Nine- Inside...
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  17. Critiques of International Society
    Several major criticisms can be made of the lnternational Society approach to IR. First, there is the realist critique that the evidence...
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  18. Cuban Missile Crises
    The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 The Cuban missile crisis remains one of the most closely examined episodes of the nuclear era. In the 1990s, after the collapse of...
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  19. The Pakistani Territory
    of the Pakistani territory has been a large province of world’s earliest imperial power i.e. Iran. Afterwards, Alexander put an end to the Iranian rule and he invaded the...
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  20. Current Politics in India
    Rabbit Anatomy Rabbits are such endearing animals. Those big eyes, huge ears, wiggly nose, those strong back legs and that unusual tail. Let's learn what makes the rabbit...
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    • 13 Pages
  21. Current Sceneri of Pakistan.
    Jaluldin RUMI is known to muslim world as a mystic par excellence. His works over the centuries have served as readymade insights into finding GOD,seeking commune with him...
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  22. Dar Ul Islam
    Dār al-Islām and Dār al-Harb The term dar al-islam, which literally means “the house or abode of Islam,” came to signify Islamic territory in juridical discussions. For...
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  23. Daswell Mobile Block Making Machhine Are Widely Accepted
    DASWELL mobile block machines are manufactured on the basis of technical modifications to the original block shaping machines. Egg laying block machine changes the former one...
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  24. David Cameron Speech
    Essay of David Cameron's "EU Speech" David Cameron held a speech at Bloomberg, which is a large media group. Cameron's speech concerns the Europe Union and why it's a...
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  25. Death Penalty in Us
    Serena Cothron 4/14/10 Mr. Kimberly 4th period The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. It denies criminals their natural born right...
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